Chapter 24

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Karthik smiles looking at his letter in which he had poured out his feelings to Aadhira. He takes his letter and puts in a red envelop, he goes to her favorite bakery and buys one of her favourite, an eclair. He gets them all packed in a small box and leaves to her college as he knew her college was not over yet.

Karthik enters inside her college for the first time, till now he had just visited her from afar, he had not gone inside her college. This was his first he was nervous, what if she sees me while I put it in her place.. umm I should give it to one of her friends.. they would pass it on to her.. good idea.. but how do I find her friends or her classroom..

He sees many students out of class, he goes to one of them and asks them "Why is everyone out of the class", "They dispersed the classes early today due to it being the college correspondent's birthday". The boy leaves, Karthik hits his head, now where do I go and find her friends.. I don't even know her class.. where do I find her.. one last time I want to see her also..

He keeps wandering looking through the classes, most of them were empty. He was about to pass through one class when he hears some giggling sounds, he could sense it's Aadhira. He opens the window to the classroom and peeps in through the window wanting to see his Aadhu for one last time but what he sees shocks him.

He sees Aadhira and a guy sitting inside a classroom, they both were sitting too close to eachother for Karthik's liking. He just wanted to go inside and rip both of them apart, his heart burned seeing her close to someone else. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, No Karthik.. no.. calm down.. you love her.. she doesn't even know you.. you cannot expect her to not have anyone in her life..

She has all the rights to have someone in her life.. maybe.. maybe he is her.. her boyfriend. The thought itself made him breathless, he felt as if someone pulled out all the oxygen from his lungs in just one go. His heart too kept beating hard against his chest, as if anticipating that something is going to happen.

He shakes his head, no.. no Karthik.. I need to calm down.. I need to.. I promised to dad and myself that if she has someone I wouldn't interfere in her life.. I would let her be. He looks at her peeping through the window, she was still giggling at something the guy said and leans her head on his shoulder. Karthik's eyes well up with tears seeing that, how much I wish to be in that guy's place.. but my little fairy princess seems happy.. stop saying my!! She isn't yours anymore!!

He tries to smile but he couldn't, he wanted to be happy for her but he couldn't bring himself to be happy for her. He was about to turn and leave but what he hears stops him in his tracks "What a play Aadhu.. like seriously.. he believed that you accepted his proposal..". She chuckles "Ofcourse he did.. he's been behind me ever since we started college.. but what he doesn't know is that I'm already in a relationship with you..

It's okay let him enjoy the few days of being with me.. thinking that I actually like him..". The boy laughs "What a fool baby.. No wonder he gets the last mark in our class..". Aadhira looks elsewhere "Yeah.. instead of spending his time trying to woo me.. he could have tried to study.. and work hard to help his parents.. but no he doesn't care about his parents condition and wants to date me.. I would never go for such a guy.. Arun is just a timepass for now.. it's just you baby".

Karthik was shocked, Aadhu.. my Aadhu.. she is using someone as a timepass while she already has a boyfriend.. what!!.. no!!.. it.. it can't be true.. that's not the girl I saw all these days.. no it can't be true. Just then he sees a girl entering the classroom "Aree you both are here.. there that Arun has been searching for you Aadhu.."

Aadhu just laughs and shakes her head "Yaar Apeksha.. you know na.. he is just a timepass.. let him search for me.. I don't care.. I just want to spend time with my baby here.. it's not so easily that they give us an off early.. and I cannot spend that time off with that irritating fool of a guy.. let him search.. you also go and do your work..". Her friend Apeksha shakes her head looking at Aadhira and her so called boyfriend "Fine.. but don't do this to him.. he is innocent yaar".

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