Chapter 48

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Aadhira goes inside the house sighing, "it's okay Aadhu he must be having some work.. he did look stressed.. he is probably stressed thinking of a patient.. hmmm.. how to relax him.. idea!!", She smiles brightly and goes inside her room to freshen up and change. She goes to the kitchen after freshening up and starts preparing all his favourite food.

She makes Poori, Chana masala, Fried crispy potato and Carrot halwa. She smiles looking at everything she made, the clock had struck 10 p.m already. She arranges everything on the dining table and brings out small battery operated candle lamps and lights them up, making it look like a candle light dinner.

She pats her back, "Great job Aadhu.. I just hope he likes it..", her heart interrupts her, ofcourse na.. he loves the food you make. She smiles "no not the food.. I hope he likes the candle light dinner setup.. this would our first candle light dinner❤️..", her heart again interrupts, Aadhu you are acting like a teenager in love...

She blushes at her heart's declaration "I'm not in love with him... Yet... although I don't know what it feels like to be in love.. He makes me feel secure and protected.. being with him I feel like I can achieve everything I want in life.. he gives me strength.. I don't know I just feel happy being in his presence nowadays.. he has become that part of my life that I don't want to miss anymore❤️.."

She smiles to herself, she sits down in the living room waiting for Karthik. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room and dozes off as time passes by. It was 12 a.m by the time Karthik reaches home, he just opens the door with his keys. Aadhira wakes up to the sound of door opening, she looks towards the clock and sees that it's midnight.

Aadhira looks at Karthik "You must be tired.. I'll just heat up the food.. you freshen up". Karthik doesn't look at Aadhira "I ate already and I told you not to wait for me Aadhira". Aadhira looks at him "But you always come home and eat Karthik.. that's why I made everything for you", Karthik looks at her "I didn't ask you to Aadhira.. so please.. I'm going to sleep".

Aadhira walks closer to him "What happened Karthik.. any problem at the hospital". Karthik looks at Aadhira "I don't have any problem Aadhira.. stop overthinking..", Aadhira keeps looking at him "But Karthik". Karthik shoots her back one look "Stop it Aadhira.. I told you right there is no problem.. why are you asking unwanted questions..

Didn't we decide that we won't interfere in eachother's life.. don't take too much advantage Aadhira.. I told you I don't want to eat means I don't want to eat.. and I don't need your concern.. I'm fine on my own.. I was fine even before you came.. I was happy with Navya's memories.. I didn't need you.. I don't need you now also..

Stop doing all this.. I don't need this.. just stop all this.. this is not going to last till the end.. just let me be.. don't expect anything from me". Aadhira eyes wells up with tears as he says all this and leaves to his room. She goes inside her room and closes the door as her tears flow down from her eyes, she keeps trying to wipe her eyes but they keep flowing like a river.

She goes towards the patio door and looks at the stars shining in the sky, What were you thinking Aadhira.. thinking at this relationship is going to be all merry.. You will start liking him and he will fall for you.. fairytale ending.. no nothing of that sort exist Aadhira.. has your life even for once went the way you wanted it to..

No Aadhu it never has.. and guess what it never will.. you were too quick falling for him Aadhu!!.. he still doesn't like you.. he still hasn't accepted you as his wife.. he doesn't need you Aadhira!!.. stop crying over him.. no matter what you do or what you try he won't accept you.. I hope you understood that today..

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