Chapter 9

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The next morning, Aadhira was back at the shop, she was waiting for Unnati and Akshara who had said that they would arrive soon. Soon she hears the 'ding' sound of the door being opened. She looks up to find her two best friends coming in, she smiles looking at them.

They both look at her excited after knowing that both Aadhira and Karthik have said yes to the marriage. Akshara and Unnati hug her, she smiles looking at them. Unnati smiles "You are getting married.. I'm so happy", Akshara looks at her "You are also ready to fall into the pit.. no one can help you baby.. but I'm happy".

Aadhira smiles "Yeah yeah falling into a pit only.. that's why you desperately wanted to marry Shiva bavs right". Akshara chuckles "Yeah else dad was about to get me married to someone else.. fast or slow.. a pit is a pit baby.. look at the consequences I'm bearing", she says pointing to her baby bump.

Aadhira and Unnati laugh looking at Akshara, Aadhira turns to Unnati "Madam why are you laughing.. I'll be happy only after you get married". The smile on Unnati's face fades hearing that "I.. I'm not getting married Aadhira.. it's not for me.. it never was".

Akshara looks at Unnati trying to control her tears and diverts the topic "Aree Aadhu tell us na what he said.. how he said he wanted to marry you.. you were so excited right to meet him.. to know if remembers anything about your childhood".

Aadhira looks at Akshara pouting "Yaar he doesn't remember.. how much I wished to know our childhood stories.. but no worries I can know it from Amma and Nanna.. or Uncle and Aunty". Akshara and Unnati chuckle seeing her excitement to know her childhood stories.

Akshara looks at her "Soo did he propose you while saying Yes". Aadhira looks at her for a minute and starts laughing "Him.. and proposing.. are you even serious.. expecting a proposal from him is like expecting this wall to speak to me.. probably that can also happen but him proposing that too to me.. is not a possibility".

Unnati looks at her "Come on.. may be not now but with passing time after he falls in love with you.. he will na". Aadhira looks elsewhere "Doesn't seem like a possibility to me.. anyway why worry about the future now itself.. well will see about it when time comes.. though I highly doubt it will ever happen".

Akshara and Unnati give her small smile, Akshara puts her hand on Aadhira's shoulder "Anything can happen with time baby.. this will also happen.. time and destiny will decide everything baby". Aadhira smiles at them "No worries girls.. I'm always happy with the love of my life.. my shop, my cooking and my food.. so don't worry..".

They both smile looking at her "Okay Aadhu.. anyway what next..". She looks at them "They are looking for a date for our engagement and marriage.. they want it done as soon as possible.. so let's see". Akshara hits her head "Arre that I know.. I'm talking about you and him.. come on you guys should go on dates.. meet up.. get to know each other".

Aadhira goes into thinking, though we are meeting today.. he is going to say some stupid conditions of his.. I don't even know what he is going to say.. Godd I hope he has something reasonable to say.. if he says anything stupid I'm going to make a potato cake and smash it on his face.. he likes potatoes right.. let's see how he will feel when it goes waste being smashed on his cute face..

Akshara and Unnati keep looking at her "Hello Aadhu.. are you alive.. are you here.. or in your dream land". She comes out of her thoughts and looks at them "Sorry.. I was thinking.. let's see Akshu.. he doesn't seem like a guy who would want to go on dates or know me more.. anyway let's see what happens".

At Evening, Aadhira was waiting for Karthik at the restaurant he told her to meet him. She was sitting there since the past 30 minutes waiting for him, idiot where is he.. it's 30 minutes past the time he told me to meet him here.. also such a posh restaurant he chose to meet.. we could have met in a small cafe or a small restaurant na.. idiot..

Why are these people loitering around me.. I don't want to order anything here.. and this man also chose to come late now only.. let's check this menu. She looks at the menu, Oh god.. this menu looks so expensive.. I'm happy with ice cream.. okay let me order ice cream. She orders ice cream for herself and was eating it.

She was sitting in a private area where no one else was there, it was booked specially for them. Seeing no one there, she was enjoying her ice cream happily, eating it like a kid. She had applied a little bit of it on her nose by mistake.

Just then, Karthik enters, he sees her eating ice cream, she was too busy with her ice cream to notice him. He looks at her eating ice cream applying it on her nose, a smile forms on his lips "Now also she eats like her ice cream like a kid.. no change at all". His memories gets rekindled again seeing her eat her ice cream,

Flashback begins..

A two year old Aadhira was having her 'mum mum' (food) after crying for an hour. She had been crying because her Mumma was not letting her eat chocolates as she had not been well for the past week.

Just then Karthik had come back from school, he had his food and ran to her house. She was sitting on top of the table having food while playing with the penguin that he had got for her. She jumps on seeing Karthik "Kalthi Kalthi".

She tried to get down from the table but her mother stops her "Aadhu sit down.. eat and then you can play with Karthik..", her mother turns to Karthik "Come Kanna.. sit down here.. she is eating now only after crying for a long time..".

He sits down next her "why she cry aunty", her mother smiles "She wanted chocolates but she is not well right.. she cannot eat more choclates na". She holds his finger with her little hand and holds her 'Pingu' the penguin in her other hand.

Aadhira finishes her food and looks at her mother "Mum ich ceam", her mother looks at her "Aadhuu". Karthik smiles and looks at her mom "Aunty only a little bit na.. let her have na.. Mumma says if I drink hot water after eating ice cream I will not get fever".

She smiles and looks at Karthik "You always support her haan.. Okay fine Karthi only a little..", he smiles and turns to Aadhira. He helps her get down from the table, she runs around holding her Pingu in one hand "Yayyy ich ceam.. ich ceammm.. Mum.. Mumm.. kalthiiii..".

He holds her hand and stops her from running around "Aadhu sit down", she sits down on the ground as told by him. Her mom hands over two bowls of ice cream to Karthik, he takes it to her. She keeps clapping her hands and giggling looking at the ice cream "Yayyyy.. Yayyyy ich ceam..".

She takes the spoon in her hand and puts a spoon of ice cream in her mouth. She started out with eating the ice cream only with her mouth but soon her cheeks, nose and hands had also started eating the ice cream.

Karthik chuckles looking at her, she was eating the ice cream with her whole face. Aadhira was not at all bothered she was happily eating the ice cream with no worries at all, she was licking off the ice cream finally from her finger.

He runs to the kitchen and brings out a tissue so that he can wipe her face. She had completed her ice cream and was sitting there waiting for Karthik to finish his. She was trying to steal his share of ice cream as he had run off to bring tissues.

She keeps looking here and there with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Just when she was about to take a spoon full of ice cream and put it in her mouth Karthik comes in front of her "Aadhuuu".

She looks at the bowl and puts the spoon back in the bowl "shpoon fell Kalthi.. I put inshide". He chuckles and shakes his head. He wipes the ice cream from her cheeks, nose and hands, she keeps giggling looking at him. While wiping her cheeks, he leaves a soft kiss on her cheek making her giggle more.

After cleaning her up, he sits eating his ice cream while she keeps pouting looking at him. He looks at her and shakes his head "No Aadhu you already ate", she deepens her pout more. He just melts looking at her pout and ends up feeding some of his ice cream to her.

Flashback ends...


Happy Diwali ❤️

May your lives be filled with lights always just as the festival signifies✨.. and May God bless you all with loads of happiness and prosperity💖

Yours lovingly

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