Chapter 43

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Karthik and Aadhira were still sitting in the patio, just that Charles was also giving them company. Aadhira was looking at Karthik continuously while he kept talking and laughing with Charles. A lot had happened today that she was still not sure if all those were real.

Charles looks at her staring at Karthik and clears his throat giving her a teasing looks "Ahemm.. Ahemm", Karthik looks at him "What happened Charles.. you need water.. wait I'll go bring". Aadhira turns away as a blood rushes to her cheeks making her turn a bright shade of pink. Karthik goes inside to get water while Charles looks at Aadhira "Someone's busy staring at their husband.."

Aadhira shakes her head trying to hide her blush "No shut up.. nothing of that sort is happening.. you just be quiet..". He chuckles looking at her "Seriously Aadhu.. you are blushing red and still denying.. wait wait I saw an Indian movie.. let me remember.. oh yeah.. it's.. Kuch Kuch hota hai.. yes.. that's it.. see that only right..".

She tries to glare at him trying to hide her smile and blush "Shut up Charlieee", just then Karthik comes back with water for Charles. He looks at both of them confused as Charles keeps grinning looking at Aadhira while she was glaring at him. He sits down next to Charles and whispers to him "What did you do.. why is she breathing fire looking at you".

He chuckles "Oh that.. nothing I was teasing her.. that's why", Karthik looks at him "You want to be burnt down by the fire breathing dragon that you are trying to do such tricks". Charles laughs looking at Karthik "Fire breathing dragon.. wow what a name.. I didn't know you are a shape shifting dragon Aadhu..". Karthik hits his head as Charles speaks it out loud, I'm so dead today.. thank to my friend's big mouth..

Aadhira starts shooting glares at Karthik "What the.. do I look like a dragon to you both.. wait I'll show you what a fire breathing dragon does..". She brings out the water hose which is used to water the plants and starts spraying water on Karthik and Charles. They both were not prepared for her sudden plan and they get drenched.

Aadhira keeps giggling looking at both of them trying to protect themselves with their hands. Karthik and Charles keep shouting her name telling her to stop but she doesn't listen, she keeps giggling and drenching them with the water. Karthik and Charles run in opposite directions trying to save themselves.

Now she didn't know on whom to spray the water, she turns to Charles sparing her husband for a few minutes. Karthik starts laughing looking at Charles, just then she turns towards him and starts spraying water on him. She keeps changing here and there, in the time she was spraying water on Charles, Karthik stealthily walks behind her and tries to hold the water hose from behind her.

He completely engulfs her in a back hug in the process. Suddenly feeling him engulfing her in a hug she drops the hose in shock and surprise. She turns towards him and looks at him while Karthik was busy telling something to Charles which doesn't reach her senses. She was still processing the fact that Karthik was so close to her, hugging her from behind her.

She was looking at Karthik with wide eyes, her eyes were ready to pop out like tennis balls, her heart was thumping so hard at his sudden closeness that she was scared of getting a cardiac arrest. Calm down Aadhu.. it's just your husband.. your husband hugging you.. yeah my husband is hugging me!!! What is happening all of a sudden.. so many shocks my heart won't be able to take..

Just then she feels cold water trickling down her face bringing her out of her trance. She looks forward and finds Charles literally pouring all the water on her. She tries to move but Karthik was holding her still "Noo.. it's too cold..", Karthik chuckles "Well then revenge is cold for you Aadhu.. you were spraying the water on us right now it's your turn".

She keeps squirming in Karthik's arms as Charles keeps pouring water on her, while Karthik and Charles keep laughing looking at her. She glares at both of them "I hate you both". Charles backs off after drenching her completely "Now it feels better Aadhu", Karthik was still holding her in his arms, Charles looks at both of them in that position "Aww you both look so cute❤️.. let me take a picture"

Just the Karthik realises that he is holding her still in his arms and backs off from her while Aadhira looks away blushing. Charles pouts looking at them "Karthik go back to that position.. I need a picture..", Karthik looks away trying to hide crimson cheeks "Shut up Charles.. go change you will fall sick.. you too Aadhira.. go and change..".

Charles keeps standing there looking at both of them "I'm not moving from here until I get the picture.. now shut up and get back in that position both of you". Aadhira and Karthik look at him surprised, just then they hear a voice "Don't worry Charles I got their picture", they three turn towards the voice and see Olivia standing there with her phone with a huge grin on her face, Charles smiles brightly "Mom you are the best".

Aadhira and Karthik again start looking elsewhere away from each other to hide their blushing face. Charles goes back to his house while Karthik and Aadhira also go inside their rooms. Aadhira looks at herself in the mirror, she was completely drenched and her face was red from blushing, Godd Aadhu your face is completely red.. how much will you blush..

So much happened all of a sudden.. I'm not sure if it's all true.. you are not dreaming Aadhu.. it's happening in real.. Karthik is warming up to you.. he spoke to you.. he comforted you.. he kissed you.. he hugged you.. so much happened in a day.. will this continue.. why is my heart thumping so hard thinking about all this.. that's because your heart is letting him inside❤️.. and accepting him❤️..

She again blushes and goes inside the bathroom to change. She comes out and takes her Pingu who was lying on her bed and looks at the stuffed toy "I came to know from Maa that he only gave you to me.. you tell me Pingu all this happened today is real right.. I don't know why I feel like I'm in a dream and the minute I wake up everything will go back to how it was before.. he would stop talking to me.. it would be back to him ignoring and rejecting me.. it won't right..

I hugged him for the the first time today❤️.. well I did hug him yesterday but that was completely in my excitement.. but today outside the office I felt like it only him who could calm me down from my anxious state.. and he did it❤️.. his embrace raises my heartbeats yet calms me down❤️..", she smiles thinking of him. She again looks at her Pingu "When I saw Arun.. I felt suffocated due to all my past playing in front of my eyes..

I just couldn't control my tears in front of Karthik.. he consoled me and comforted me❤️.. I really couldn't believe it that he was actually doing something for us.. for me.. sharing with him I felt light.. I felt like I have finally let everything out.. he listened to me patiently.. he was eager to listen to me.. instead of his usual ignorant self.. he actually understood me Pingu.. I don't why I feel like today something changed between us.."

She smiles and blushes touching her forehead which was tingling remembering his kiss, "The feeling that I got when he kissed my forehead nothing ever made me feel that way.. it made me feel secure.. made me feel protected.. made me feel loved.. made me feel like no sadness is big.. It felt like a promise that he will always be there for me.. is this how it feels when a husband kisses his wife..

He hugged me too even if it was for a prank and he didn't realise it.. still he hugged me.. the warmth of being in his arms even when he was completely drenched and they way my heart jumps at his touch.. Gosh!!.. one day he comes close to you Aadhu and you are already going crazy!!.. hey Krishna ji what is this happening"

She hugs her Pingu to her heart "You were already special to me Pingu.. now that I know he gave you to me you are even more special❤️.. you are the gift that he gave me when I was born❤️.. I didn't know why I was so attached to you.. now I know that it maybe because of him". She was smiling hugging the soft toy to her heart thinking of all their moments.

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