Chapter 23

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Now that Karthik had come to know in which college Aadhira studies he visited her college often just to get a glimpse of her yet he never approached her nor spoke to her. He was fine watching her from afar for now as his dad had made him understand that he shouldn't disturb her for now and when she completes her studies he would himself send a proposal to her father asking for their marriage.

He was more than happy, if he could wait for her for 16+ years, he could wait for 3 to 4 more years. Though these 3 to 4 years were less than the 16 years in number he couldn't wait for them to pass by soon. After seeing her, being in her presence he understood how much he felt for her, how much he has yearned for her and the need to be with her increased

He had seen every single shade of her from the shadows in the past 4 months. Every shade of her made him fall a little more for her. His resistance towards her was null, no matter how much he would try to resist and stop himself going to see her, he couldn't. She became the centre of his gravity without even knowing.

He would watch her getting excited over Pani puri and want to eat with her. He would watch her eyes pouring tears while she kept munching on the spicy pani puri still asking for a more spicy one. He would want to wipe her eyes and stop her from eating such spicy ones but seeing her smiling face would stop him from doing such a thing.

He had seen her getting happy and excited over small things to her getting angry at her friends for their unreasonable behaviour. Also he had seen her compassion in helping fellow people to animals. He would follow her around when she would go to old age homes & orphanages. Each and every trait of hers made him fall completely in love with her.

His little heart was filled with so much love for her which he neither could he express nor hide. She was like the oasis in his desert, everyone kept trying to search for her but she was just there deep down in his heart. She had already become a part of his heart which he could never ignore. His imaginations would always end up with her being with him.

He wanted to spend his whole life with her, by her side forever. Her one smile could make even the gloomiest of his day to the brightest. When he was a teenager he didn't know what was this feeling which kept him bound to Aadhira even without seeing her for many years but now he knew it was love that he felt for her all along and that's why no other girl interested him.

The intensity of Karthik's feelings for Aadhira made his dad also scared thinking about what would happen if she rejected him. His dad knew Aadhira would have no idea about Karthik and moreover she could have someone else in her life. If she did have someone else what would be Karthik's condition was his only thought.

He knew his son is understanding and sensible but still he was scared of his son getting his heart broken. He knew Karthik is a sensitive one, even the slightest of things could make him happy, sad, angry and heartbroken. He didn't want Karthik to get hurt, he wanted to make sure there is no one is there in Aadhira's life and make sure that Aadhira is okay to be with Karthik and then talk to Karthik.

But then life is unpredictable!! Not always everything happens according to our plan. For some it goes uphill and for some downhill but then whatever is meant to be in our destiny will definitely reach us. Same happened with Karthik, he didn't know if his life was going to go uphill or downhill when he got accepted into University of Birmingham for doing his post graduation in cardiology.

He had applied for the university long back and when he didn't get any response from the University he thought he didn't get in. Hence he got his admission in the same college as his friends but now that he had got admission, he was really happy as he had got admission in his dream University.

There was one thing that kept bothering him that was not being able to see Aadhira again for some years. He wanted to talk to her once atleast before leaving from Chennai. He had told his father that he is going to talk her once, just once before leaving.

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