Chapter 2

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At Reddy Nivas,

Karthik was in his room looking at a paper in his hand in which it was written

Dear Karthik,

I'm sorry.. I can't do this.. I got an offer for modelling from Los Angeles.. you know that is my dream.. to go to Hollywood.. I'm finally getting a chance.. I'm going there Karthi.. I'm sorry for leaving you like this.. that too a day before our engagement.. but you know my dreams right.. I don't think so I will return back to Birmingham.. please move on with your life Karthik.. I'm sorry.. don't wait for me.. Good bye.. I'm sorry once again..


Drops of his tears fall on the letter "Why did you leave Navya.. I know you will come back.. but nobody believes me.. they say you won't come back.. if you had to come back you would have tried to contact me atleast once in this whole year.. but I know baby once your career is set you will return to me.. your home.. I know I'm your home.. you always used to say that right.. I know you will come back but what do I tell Maa and dad.. they are hell bent on getting me married..

That too to that girl full of attitude.. Huhh!! She doesn't even know how to talk to a person.. so rude she is you know.. Godd!! Also very irritating she is.. she just doesn't know when to shut up.. Maa and dad are not listening to me na.. that's why I told her to reject me.. but no she just won't listen.. how am I supposed to get married to her.. if I marry her I will loose my mind..".

He was still holding the paper in his hand, the paper looked like it was crumpled multiple times yet someone managed to keep it safe. His mind wanders back to his house in Birmingham, I don't want to stay here.. I want to return back.. When will Maa and dad understand that Navya will come back once she has fulfilled her dreams.. she will come back to me.. she didn't mention that she doesn't love me..

she also mentioned she isn't coming back.. she told you to move on!!.. it's been a year not once she contacted you.. stop thinking about her.. move on.. atleast for Maa and Dad, his mind urges him, but I can't forget her.. I'm not able to.. I still love her.. how can I move on from her..

Just then his mom, Narayani barges into his room, he hides the letter behind himself "Karthi.. how is Aadhira.. you like her na.. she is beautiful right.. she is intelligent too.. she runs her own business Kanna (child)". Karthik looks at his mom "Maa Maa.. calm down.. look.. that girl may be beautiful.. intelligence.. smart.. what not.. but she has a lot of attitude.. she is rude Maa.. I cannot marry such a girl.. Nobody has talked to like that before..

But She.. if you talk to her one time you will understand.. you will go crazy just talking to her once.. Godd!! she is so irritating.. I cannot marry her". His mom makes him sit of the bed and she herself sits down next to him "Karthi she is a nice girl.. you know her dad owns his own business.. his own chain of Pharmacies.. she could have joined his business but she chose her own path and started her own catering services...

Her catering services only serves in hospital cafeterias.. she is a self made woman Karthik.. she studied hard.. she studied in LA but on complete scholarship.. not once she asked her dad for any money.. she is a smart and hardworking woman.. and little bit of attitude on her part does not make her bad Karthik.. and I'm sure you would have also been rude to her.. talk to her.. get to know her.. I'm not telling you to marry her because of your grandparents promise.. but because I think she is right for you..

After Navya I feel like you have lost hope in love.. Navya is now your past Karthi.. she isn't coming back.. accept it and move on Kanna.. accept Aadhira as your partner.. probably she is the one you were waiting for in your life.. think about it Karthik.. Talk to her.. she isn't bad.. don't show your anger which is on us on her.. try to get to know her Karthik.. that's all I would say".

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