Chapter 47

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A week later...

Karthik keeps looking at Aadhira, they were at one of his co-doctor's wedding. She was smiling looking at the bride walking down the aisle with her father while the groom was looking at the bride like she is the only person in the room. She sighs, what are you thinking Aadhu.. don't dream.. he isn't going to look at you like that.. not now not ever.. even a couple of days back he told you that he still loves his ex.. two months.. it's been two months into our marriage yet he loves her.. and here you are dreaming of a love life with him.. he won't even think about it Aadhu.. forget it..

The things that Akshu or Unnati tell you are never going to happen in your life.. they were in love before getting married.. yours is an arranged marriage Aadhu.. that too with a man who loves someone else.. even though it's been more than a year since she ditched him.. you are just a consolation prize to him.. Aadhu stop thinking these things.. I have my happiness.. my 'Glee Paradise'.. why worry baby. She shakes her head clearing her thoughts and turns to look at Bride and Groom who were reciting their vows in front of the minister who was initiating their marriage.

Karthik had completely forgotten about the wedding, he was too busy staring at Aadhira who was sitting in the row in front of him. He didn't know why his heart kept fluttering today seeing her in a rosewood coloured gown. He couldn't look away from her ever since, his gaze helplessly kept going back to her no matter how much he tried. She was completely unaware of his gaze and enjoying the wedding talking with her newly made friend, Amelia.

Soon the bride and groom were asked to kiss, the groom lifts the bride's veil and kisses her and the whole church erupts into applause which brings Karthik out of his trance. Karthik looks around, shitt!! What am I doing.. I'm not supposed to stare at her like that.. you love Navya still remember (his brain mocks at him making him remember his own words to her).. umm yeah.. Navya.. yes.. you even told her not to expect anything from you.. even a couple of days before.. but she looks like a fairy today💕.. when you don't want her to expect anything from you how can you stare at her or expect anything from her..

He shakes off his thoughts and puts his concentration back on the wedding that was being performed. The bride and groom were declared Man and wife, they walk down the aisle out of the church with the everyone following them out. The whole crowd in the church follows them out, walking along with the whole crowd Aadhira and Karthik get pushed, they end up falling into each other.

Karthik again keeps staring at her holding her in his arms, Aadhira looks at Karthik and mutters a "Sorry". She tries to get out of his hold but he keeps holding her, still lost in her. He keeps looking into her deer like golden brown eyes, she looks at him wondering, what is wrong with him.. why is he looking at me like this.. why isn't he letting me go. He was still lost looking at her, her eyes are so beautiful❤️.. why didn't I notice it till now. He sees her lips moving but was too busy staring at her that whatever she was talking doesn't fall in his ears.

She shakes him to bring him out of his thoughts "Karthikkk", he looks at her surprised "What.. what happened". She looks at him "Leave me", he looks at her confused "Huhhh", she points to his hand on her waist. He let's go of her with a jerk "Sorry", she stumbles a bit with his sudden jerk. He holds her hand to help her stand properly.

They leave back to their home once the wedding is over. Aadhira keeps looking out through the window as they pass through the green countryside of Wombourne on their way back to their home. Cold breeze keeps blowing, Aadhira keeps smiling feeling the cold breeze on her face. She turns to Karthik smiling "Will it snow today??.. its really cold", Karthik looks at her "Probably..".

Her smile widens even more "Woww!! I'm so excited.. you know I always wanted to see and feel the snow.. also play on the snow.. I'm going to see it snowing for the first time.. I can't wait for it to start snowing.. I have visited the snow kingdom in VGP.. but it is artificial but this is real snow.. I'm really excited". Karthik keeps looking ahead and driving "Okay".

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