Chapter 53

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Karthik had gone on a medical camp in the nearby countryside, so it was just Aadhira and Navya at home. Navya was working on her laptop when Aadhira goes and sits in front of her "Navya are you busy?", Navya looks towards Aadhira "No.. you want to talk?". Aadhira nods , Navya smiles and closes her laptop "Okay sure".

Aadhira looks down fidgeting her hands "Why did you really leave Karthik the day before your engagement". Navya was surprised by her question "I think Karthik must have told you.. I had a very good opportunity for my career so I had to leave", Aadhira shakes her head "No that's not the real reason.. it's just your coverup.. else there wouldn't be a sadness in your eyes when you look at Karthik.. there is something you are worried about.. you are tensed about.. something you are sad about.. what is it.. you can tell me Navya".

Navya looks at Aadhira and sighs sadly "Aadhira not everyone gets the love they want in their life.. not everyone is as lucky as you to get a person who loves you more than anyone else.. has completely devoted his love to you.. some of us are unlucky.. like me..". Aadhira looks at her confused "What do you mean by loves me more than anyone else.. and devoted..", Navya smiles sadly "That is for Karthik to say Aadhira..

But I will tell you one thing.. there is only girl whom Karthik had loved and still loves.. madly.. unconditionally.. irrevocably.. that's you.. since his childhood days.. no matter how much he tried to hate you probably due to a misunderstanding.. he couldn't.. he liked me Aadhira.. but he still loved you.. he could only push you to the back of his memories but he could never get rid of them.."

Aadhira was shocked with this information, Navya looks elsewhere "I did fall for him.. I did love him.. I was ready to wait until after out engagement for that opportunity.. but then that night before our engagement I realised and understood no matter who comes in his life he cannot forget you.. he will still continue to love you.. even if he denies it.. that engagement will not be a happy one for me nor him.. especially when he is not mine to have"

Aadhira looks at her and holds her hand "What happened that night.. please I want to know". Navya looks at her and the looks elsewhere,

Flashback begins..

The night before Karthik and Navya's engagement...

Everyone were in Brimingham, Karthik's mom and dad were sleeping in their room. Since Navya was staying alone at her house they had asked her also to stay in Karthik's home the night before. Navya could not sleep, she goes out of her room, she was about to go out of the house for fresh air when she sees Karthik's room door open.

She goes inside and sees him sleeping, she smiles and sits next to caressing his hair. She keeps caressing his hair smiling, I have fallen in love with you Karthik.. who wouldn't.. how much I wish I was that girl who you love since your childhood. He was in deep sleep and suddenly holds her hand and pulls it close to his chest "I love you Aadhu.. don't leave me.. please.. don't leave me..".

Hearing him her eyes well up, she understood deep down his heart belongs to his Aadhira only and it would always belong to her. Once he let's go of her hand she goes out of the room wiping her tears, she had made her decision. She sees Karthik's dad as soon as she steps out of his room, she tries to hide her tears from him but he had already noticed it.

He moves towards her "Navya what happened ma.. why are you crying.. did he say anything". She looks down "He did.. but it wasn't for me..", Karthik's dad looks at her confused. She smiles a little looking at him "Uncle please get him married to Aadhira.. I'm not the one for him.. he still loves her and will continue to love her..

This relationship between us won't be a happy one.. tomorrow is our engagement uncle and still his subconscious mind speaks only her name.. he says he hates her yet her name is the only thing that he mutters in his sleep.. I'll leave.. anyway I had to go after the engagement.. why not earlier.. get him married to her.. he won't be happy with anyone else.."

Karthik's dad looks at her smiling sadly and caresses her hair "You have a big heart ma.. I hope you will get someone who will love you to no extent.. where are you going atleast let me know that..". She shakes her head "No uncle.. I don't have a big heart.. I'm selfish.. I want my husband to love me only.. and Karthik won't be able to do that.. I envy her.. I envy her a lot for making him love her so much.. I wish I could have met him earlier.. I can only wish uncle.."

He smiles "You will get someone.. someone who will love you to no extent.. everyone will get someone Navya.. you deserve all the love in the world.. I'm sure the one who will love you in such a way will also reach you soon..". She smiles sadly "Let's see uncle.. whoever I love leaves me.. or doesn't love me back.. I don't have any hope..".

He shakes his head "No Navya.. not everyone you love leaves you.. your parents are always with you in your heart.. as far as a life partner is concerned.. you will get the right person with passing time.. have hope Navya". Navya just gives him a small smile, she writes a letter to Karthik and leaves it in his room. She goes to her house and packs her things and leaves.

Flashback ends..

Aadhira looks at Navya whose eyes had were glistening with tears, she just pulls Navya into a hug "I'm sorry Navya.. I.. I didn't know.. do.. do you still love Karthik". Navya smiles a little and pulls away from the hug "Aadhira Karthik is yours.. he always has been.. he was never mine to keep.. he was.. he is.. and he forever will be yours..".

Aadhira looks at her "Till now I was thinking how could you leave him and go when he loved you so much.. even if it was concerned with your career I kept thinking you could have talked.. but now I understand.. you loved him more.. and you left him for his happiness.. You are not heartless like everyone keeps telling.. you are selfless Navya.. even if you loved him you let him go for his own good".

Navya smiles a little "It's better if I'm the bad person.. atleast then nobody would try to get close to me". Aadhira looks at her smiling "The one who has to get close to you would always make sure to break all your walls Navya". Navya looks elsewhere "We will see that when that happens.. if that happens".

Aadhira smiles "I'm sure that will happen.. you will get your share of love Navya.. believe in love.. believe in yourself", Navya smiles a little "Well when you see everyone you get close to leaving you.. you tend to start distancing yourself from everyone Aadhira.. it will take time for me to get over it.. but don't worry I'll be fine..

And moreover.. I found a place to stay.. I just got the confirmation in the morning.. so I'll be shifting tomorrow.. you both will be free from my trouble.. and enjoy your married life again without my interruption..". Aadhira smiles and blushes a little "Nothing like that Navya.. you weren't a disturbance.. though I was insecure the day I saw you..

I thought Karthik would leave me and go back to you.. I didn't know what happened in the past.. I have never seen Karthik before our marriage talks took place.. so for me it's only you whom he loved.. for me you should have been the biggest threat.. but for me it was Karthik's constantly changing feelings..

One day he would be okay with me.. the next he would push me away.. straight away reject me.. I was completely fed up when he probably realised something and promised me that he won't change his word ever.. I told him about my insecurity the day you come here.. he assured me that he would never leave me.. it will always be me for him.. after that all my insecurities flew away.."

Navya smiles looking at her "I'm happy my presence didn't create misunderstandings between the two of you.. I just want to tell you one thing.. Karthik loves you the most Aadhira.. nobody can love you the way he loves you.. yes he had a misunderstanding because of which he kept saying he hates you but he couldn't.. always remember that".

Aadhira smiles and nods, now she was more curious to know about their past. She wanted to know what happened that Karthik misunderstood her and how did he love her when she had not even seen him before. There were a lot of questions running in her mind and only Karthik could give her the answers to it. She was waiting for him to come back so that she can pose all the questions which were in her mind to him.

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