Chapter 32

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The next morning, Aadhira wakes up first and sees that Karthik was not on the bed. She looks around the room trying to find him, did he even come back.. doesn't even look like he slept last night.. his side of the bed is so neat.. where did he go. She was worried for him, Did I go overboard.. or say something too much.. I didn't want to keep anything in me.. so I said out everything..

Was I too rude.. shit!! He doesn't know you Aadhira.. he doesn't know your nature.. probably he got hurt a lot.. but he keeps hurting me.. what do I do.. where do I find him.. let me go out and ask if anyone has seen him. She first tries calling him but his phone keeps ringing in the room, Why the hell does he have a phone.. and moreover he is a doctor right he should have a phone with himself at all times right..

Does his brain work properly.. ever!??.. he definitely needs a neurologist and a psychiatrist. She picks her phone and goes out of the room, she goes to the garden of the hotel to check if he is there but she doesn't find him there. She was getting tensed, she goes to the reception and asks the receptionist if she had seen Karthik anywhere showing his picture.

The receptionist looks at Karthik's picture "Ma'am sir is in the restaurant..". Aadhira thanks the receptionist and walks towards the restaurant, What is he doing in the restaurant!!.. this early in the morning.. seriously!!.. who eats at 5 in the morning.. is he even human for God sake..

She enters inside the restaurant to see him eating french toast, there was no one other than him, she wanted bang his head on the same plate from which he was eating. She fumes and storms near him, she asks the chef to leave and turns towards Karthik "What the F.. do you think of yourself.. haan!?.. And seriously what are you.. who eats as early as 5 in the morning.. are you sure you are sane..

And your screws are placed at all the right places right?!.. cause no sane person would be eating a French toast so early in the morning.. I was getting worried whether you came to the room throughout the night or not.. did you sleep or not while here you are stuffing this french toast into your mouth like you have been starved for days.."

He continues eating as she keeps venting out on him making her huff in anger "What the F.. Am I talking to the tables and chairs.. I'm talking to you only right.. and you are eating without one worry in the world". He pops the last piece of the toast into his mouth and looks at her wiping his lips "Why do you care.. I told you right I can take care of myself.. don't worry.. I not a baby that I will get lost and you would have to come finding me..

So don't worry Aadhira.. I'm fine and I will be fine.. you don't have to worry about me at any point of time.. be assured". She looks at him her eyes trying to shoot daggers into his "Why did you leave your phone in the room itself.. you know you are a doctor right.. you always need to have your phone with you right.. don't you know that also".

Karthik looks at her gulping down the glass of orange juice "I know I need to have a phone with me all the time and I have it with me.. that one which is in the room is my personal phone.. and this one which I use for all my hospital related works.. only when I'm not active on this do they contact me on my personal number.. I don't think so I need to give you work place number also.. so don't worry I know my responsibilities as a doctor.. please go and get ready we need to leave for home.. I can't stay here any longer.."

Aadhira walks away hearing him, Huhh!! Why are you worrying about him Aadhu.. he doesn't need you to care for him or worry about him.. you do your work while he does his.. that's how it's going to be now on Aadhu.. he isn't going to talk to you or going to care about you.. so it would be better if you accept all these facts and live with it..

She goes into the room and tries to look for clothes in the closet. She hears the bell of their room ring, she goes to open the door when she finds the house keeping staff. The staff hands over some clothes to her saying that someone sent it for them. She smiles and takes it from him.

She goes inside the room when she gets a call from Karthik's mom, she picks up the call "Good morning Aadhu", she smiles "Good morning Maa". "We are sorry.. we didn't inform you both.. I was sure my son would refuse for this if I told him about this.. so we didn't tell you also Kanna.. and we wanted it to be a surprise for you both.. and we wanted you both to spend some time together to get to know each other.. I hope you didn't have any trouble".

Aadhira smiles at how sweet his mom is and how exactly opposite he is "It was not a trouble Maa.. we are fine.. we would freshen up and leave from here in sometime", she thinks in her mind, there was no problem or trouble other than your son.. he is the biggest trouble I have. His mom excitedly says "Okay Kanna.. we will be waiting for you both.. I have sent clothes for both of you.. I'm eagerly waiting to welcome you home again❤️".

She disconnects the call "How sweet his mom is.. and this man.. how irritating he is.. I can't believe he is her son.. uncle is also sweet and understanding.. no wonder where this man got his traits from when they both are so caring, sweet and understanding". She shakes her head and goes into the bathroom to freshen up and get ready.

Karthik's mom, Narayani had sent Aadhira a peach coloured Georgette saree with a heavily sequin worked golden border.

She was draping her saree when she hears Karthik calling her "How long will it take Aadhira

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She was draping her saree when she hears Karthik calling her "How long will it take Aadhira.. even I need to get ready". She was about to say 5 minutes as she was almost done draping the saree but a naughty idea pops up in her brain, he troubled me so much right.. let me trouble him for sometime, "I will take another one hour.. if you wanted to freshen up soon.. you should have come sooner".

Karthik was shocked "One hour.. what are you doing inside.. cooking!?.. making a bathtub!?.. seriously who takes so much time for bathing". She chuckles to herself "Shut up.. If you can eat french toast as early as 5 in the morning.. I can do whatever I want in the bathroom.. it's not your personal bathroom that you question me.. if you want to get ready then wait for an hour". She laughs to herself as she hears him stomping his foot outside the bathroom.

So much fun this is.. from now on this is what he is going to get.. if he troubles me.. I will trouble him.. Now what do I do for an hour.. hmmm let's think. She picks up her phone and starts playing a game in it, she was bored after 30 minutes so she goes out of the bathroom.

She looks at him, he was pacing around the room waiting for her to come out. Seeing her coming out calmly after drying her hair and getting ready completely makes him fume "What the.. you could have come out and gotten ready". She just ignores him and goes near the dressing table.

She takes the jhumkas and wears it "I like getting ready in the bathroom.. you know it's so free in there.. here you are there na.. it's suffocating". He fumes and glares at her and goes inside the bathroom to freshen up. She laughs after her leaves from there, That irritated.. frustrated look on his face.. how much I love this.. I'm enjoying his irritation..

Finally got a way to irritate that man.. this is how I'm going to deal with you.. get used to it.. I'm happy.. happy happy happy.. my heart is feeling peaceful after troubling him.. how much fun it is😁!!.. Hahaha.. now let's see how he deals with all this now..

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