SEVEN. terror

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season one — episode three

— TERRORseason one — episode three

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      MINJUN STOOD OUTSIDE ONCE again, his nerves going haywire. What he was doing was stupid, he should turn around and leave. But, for some reason, he didn't. He stayed where he was like a fucking idiot.

As he stood in the darkness, he couldn't help but wonder what his life would be like if he had a different life. What if he was born into a successful family where he didn't have to worry about money? What if he had won the lottery? It was unrealistic, but they were genuine questions.

His life was miserable. He felt embarrassed about how much he struggled. Granted, he had a better life than a lot of people, and he was beyond grateful to have food, despite having very little, and for having a roof over his head. But he couldn't help but long for more.

He wanted money so bad, but life never really goes the way you want it. Especially when you're a college student working a part-time job at a food vendor. He barely gets money from his job as is.

      If he were born in a different family, maybe he wouldn't be playing some stupid life-or-death games to earn money.

      Then again, if he were born into a different family, he probably wouldn't have Hae. He wouldn't have ever gotten to meet his loving parents. He wouldn't be the person he is today.

      He shook his head, trying to rid himself of thoughts. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked around once more, his hair in front of his eyes. He saw the lights of an approaching car and nervously stood up straight.

      This was a horrible idea. There are easier ways to get money...

      The same van from before pulled in front of him, this time the masked man just opened the door. Minjun let out a breath before crawling in, getting as comfortable as he could.

      Since he now knew that they were going to spray some gas, he held his breath and pretended to fall asleep, laying his nose and mouth in his sleeve. After a few moments, the gas stopped and the man began driving. Minjun was still awake.

MINJUN KEPT HIMSELF ALERT the whole trip to try and figure out where they were. But after the fifth turn, he lost track. He only realized that they were probably going to an island when he heard the sound of waves crashing and the sound of the van boarding the boat. After that, he just put two and two together.

He felt himself being lifted up, his eyes closed in order to make the others believe he was asleep. He felt his ear being pushed a bit and something being brought up to the back of it, he heard a small ding after that. He barely opened his left eye and saw the masked man scanning everybody's ears. He closed his eye once again when he saw the man retreating.

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