1: Renegade

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Harken's Pov

I knew I was in Rivertown the second the cold wind hit my face. It was a familiar breeze, but I couldn't say I missed it.

I was born here, or so I was told. It didn't feel like home, anyway.

I couldn't wrap my head around how many days I'd been in the streets, but it was definitely a lot.

Home was not the only thing I didn't have either. Whatever cash I had left was spent at the few motels I've been staying at.

Some nights I slept better on the streets than in some dusty old motel with minimal facilities.

Rivertown smelled nice; like pine trees and wet soil. My lungs felt better than ever with the clean air filtering through.

I asked myself where I was going, like I did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, but honestly who was counting anymore?

Every road I took was leading me here.

I had a strong feeling that this was going to be my last stop. At least for now.

I was broke, lonely, and for the first time this year, I truly felt cold.

I sat by the side of the road, stretched out my legs in front of me. I grabbed a thin jacket from my backpack. It was the only winter garment I had.

It didn't do much, but the frosty bites no longer reached my skin.

I stood up and walked my way to a familiar house. I would be lying to myself if didn't acknowledge that my heart skipped a beat.

I wondered if the lights would be on or off. I wondered if he was home or out.

Was he happy?

Did he still live here?

The sky had faded into a deeper violet behind the house that was facing me.

How do I confront him when I was the one who left in the first place? Nothing could repair the damage I had caused.

I may have been broke in the past, but God knew I broke everyone with me.

I was never one to hesitate, but the few steps I took to his doorstep felt longer than my whole trip across towns.

The door was red, and as I knocked I realised I had nothing to say.

It was answered on the third knock. The first thing I noticed was how pretty the girl who opened the door was. Short brown hair, dark skin, and soft features.

She eyed me weirdly, but I didn't blame her. I looked like I hadn't showered in days.

"Um, may I help you?" She asked politely, but I could notice her slowly pushing the door with her left foot out of wariness.

"Is Aiden here? Aiden Haile?"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong house." I didn't have the wrong house, it was just the wrong people at the right house.

It bothered me way more than it should have. I wanted Aiden to be there. He was supposed to be there. He had to, I thought with utter and complete despair.

I nodded curtly and moved back. She was too scared and I didn't wanna scare her more. My intentions where a white flag.

Suddenly, a loud shattering sound echoes from inside the house. "I'm sorry, have a good day." She muttered apologetically and closed the door hurriedly and yelled after someone called Ruby. I remained glued to my position.

Did he move out? Did he get married?

With one last sigh, I left.

What was I expecting, anyway? That I'd walk up to his door with my baggage, look through the window, beyond the curtains, and find him huddled on the couch, waiting to see my silhouette after my years of absence?

I'd tap lightly on his window, and he'd know I'm really there, in flesh, coming back to rekindle whatever we had.

Instead I found myself broke and at a bar.

A/n: tell me what you think, and don't forget to vote!

The chapters are short but they'll get bigger later on.

More soon x.

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