27: Jamie Martin

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Aiden's P.O.V.

"Do you know who I am?" He repeated, and not just to the cashier, who dumped a (thankfully) iced latte on his head.

"I sadly know who he is," Raiden muttered in my ear, "and this is bad,"

The cashier looked nervous. I wasn't sure if it were fear of getting fired for doing what she did to the clearly important guest, or if it were something that he did that upset her this badly. Either ways, I needed to fix this or Raiden was going to be furious. I've seen Raiden furious, and it was ugly.

To our luck, the café was nearly empty. So, we narrowly avoided a public scene. The only people left, apart from Mr. Martin, were me, Raiden, the cashier, and another employee.

"Please tell me it wasn't your fault?" Raiden asked the cashier, who went by Glenn.

Glenn looked appalled that Raiden even asked her such a question. I could tell it pained Raiden, too. But he had to ask.

"He asked me what colour underwear I was wearing!" Glenn's tone was betraying her. She was offended, but a part of her found it funny. Still, it was a rude thing to do.

"I was on a dare!" Grey suit explained, but he was at fault here. Seeing him dripping with coffee made me feel sorry for him. I needed to make sure Glenn was okay first, though.

"I'm sorry Mr. Martin," Raiden apologized to Used-To-Be Sharp Suit, "If you could take a seat, please," then he told the employee to get him a few napkins. Napkins weren't going to do anything; the man was drenched.

I looked around for his friends. His table was full. There seemed to be none now, which had me wondering where had they disappeared to.

"Are you okay, Glenn?" Raiden asked professionally. He wasn't a firm boss, but he knew his limits with his employees. Clearly the over-caffeinated boss didn't.

"Yes, I'm fine," She said with distaste. "Not the end of the world." She huffed. "Don't do that again!" She pointed a threatening finger at Mr. Martin. He merely raised his hand and gave her a thumbs up. He looked around and found none of his friends. I noticed that his features suddenly turned sad.

There was something mysterious about this obviously rich man. He was sitting alone, defeated and embarrassed, with no one to accompany him back to his car or house or hotel. I had so many questions to ask him, but I didn't do anything for the time being but watch Raiden solve a complicated dilemma. It was his place, and he knew what to do better.

But I couldn't just sit and watch everyone take care of Glenn and leave Mr. Martin all sad and lonely. I didn't have it in me as a nurse to watch people suffer without doing anything about it, no matter how minute it seemed.

I approached Raiden and whispered in his ear, "You good here?" he nodded and patted my shoulder. "I'll take care of Martin for you." I spoke.

I went to the chair where he was sitting and grabbed him by his arm, which startled him a bit. "Come let me get you cleaned up and maybe you'll explain who you are to me?"
His whole face lit up. His eyes widened like a kid's on Christmas morning. Weird, weird man.

We walked to the toilets which were thankfully clean. They smelled like sanitation, which was enough for me at the moment. I made him stand by the edge of the sink as I ran the cold water. "Wash your hands and face while I get a towel from the kitchen, will you?" I said in my nurse voice; the voice I use when I'm speaking to patients who may break at the mere change of vocal tone. I didn't want to test my luck with a twenty something this late.

I didn't need to look around much to find where they kept the dish towels. I fetched a clean one and rushed back to the toilets. He was still there, looking tall and handsome in the light of the toilets. He took off his suit jacket and stayed in his white, coffee-stained, button up. The tie was loose and so were his sleeves.

I stood still for a second and took him in. He was really handsome. "I got you the towel, Martin," I said, dropping the mister.

"Jamie," He explained, "Jamie Martin,"

I threw the towel at him. He fumbled with his hands but caught it eventually. "Is that what you've been trying to tell us all night?"

He let out a small laugh. When did he become so shy and alluring? When did he become so... I didn't know, but he was starting to feel a lot like someone I knew. Like someone I missed and wasn't there.

Like Harken Red.

A/N: We hit 13k reads so far and that's amazing! Kindly vote and tell me what you think. I'll update soon!

Happy holidays

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