46: Shoot Down

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Harken's P.O.V.

They sauntered in one by one. I noticed them entering, and so did everyone else. They had style, I had to admit.

The first gunshot was fired upwards. Tens of heads instinctively went down. If fear was a scent, it definitely filled the atmosphere along with gunpowder. The screams of innocent people filled in the place of the music.
Everyone started running in different directions. We knew it was inevitable, but seeing it happen in real life and this fast and early into their arrival was unexpected.

The Red Devils weren’t here to play. The police officers who weren't here to fight started escorting people outside. It was baffling to see so many panicked people at the same place. They were all heading out, leaving the battleground for the ones who came here for it.

Dad was nowhere to be seen.

“You need to leave right now,” I told Jamie, but I didn’t know if he was listening to me. He looked stunned by the scene that was unfolding in front of him. I could tell Jamie didn't come from this type of families.

From then on, everything happened in a blur and all at once. The Devils and the police were having a gunfight. From behind trees and behind tables and statues in the yard. A gunshot here and another there. I hid behind a pillar near the entrance of the Manor.

My gun was now in my hand, but it was shaking badly. I didn’t know if I could make a straight shot. I didn't wanna end up shooting someone from our side.

I scanned my surroundings and noticed a nearby table with an assortment of flowers on it. I ran towards it and flipped it over and took cover behind it. Shortly after, I got joined by Jamie again, who didn’t manage to escape.

I shook my head. “Dammit,” I cussed, “You look ill,”

His face was drained of colour. He was trembling lightly, too. “Who,” he swallowed hard, “Who do I call?”

“There’s no one to call,” I winced as a bullet made its way into our table, “just keep behind me,” I didn’t know if I could protect him. If I were told yesterday that I would be guarding Aiden’s boyfriend from Blake I would’ve laughed.

Someone was approaching us silently from my left side. I immediately shot him down. I felt a heat rush in my chest and neck upon shooting him it was like the first sip of red wine. It didn’t feel good anymore, but I had to do it.

Then I had an idea. “Stay here,” I instructed Jamie. He nodded furiously. He didn't have any other choice, really. During those moments, he was ready to do whatever I asked of him due to fear. I crawled from behind the table and into the few nearby bushes and stole the guy I shot down's gun. Someone shot at me as I was returning but narrowly missed. My heart nearly collapsed. It felt like my lungs where beating.

I gave the gun to Jamie. “Do you know how to use it?”

He shook his head.

“It’s loaded,” I showed him how to position it properly in his hand, “just pull the trigger at anyone aiming at you,”

He nodded. He seemed at loss for words. I didn’t have time to feel bad for him with all of what was going on around us.

The gunfire seemed to grow closer as they got nearer. They were going to get Raiden. I peeked from behind the table every so often and shot at them, but they were too many. We weren’t going to be able to stop them at that rate.

Suddenly, all gunshots stopped. I couldn’t hear a thing.

Jamie tapped my shoulder. “One sec,” I said. I was trying to look behind the table without getting my head blown up.

Another tap at my shoulder.

“What?!” I yelled and turned around. A girl in a pretty red dress and a face mask and a guy in a neat suit had their guns pointed at our heads.

I slowly put my gun down and so did Jamie.
I raised my hands in the air and stood up to see that all of us were surrounded by Red Devils. The party was over and we had lost.

Smoothly and without any trouble, Raiden and Scarlet came out of the manor accompanied by two of the Devils. They rode in cars and just like that, all of them retreated.

Rivertown’s police department and dad’s men had failed against Blake and Amanda’s mafia.

They had Raiden now, too, and there was nothing I could do about it.

A/N: Please vote if you liked the chapter and comment your opinion. More soon.

Aiden Summers x.

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