Chapter 13

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The funeral was fast approaching and I still hadn't spoken to Charlotte. I just needed some time on my own first before I faced the real world again. I'm sure she would understand.

I've spent the past two days in bed doing a chic flick marathon. After watching wild child the other night it made me want to watch them all. To feel like a child again before life for difficult.

That was the first time I had watched wild child in years. I could never bring myself to do it and it brought back too many memories. He ruined my favourite movie for me.

It felt good though, watching it with him. I felt... at peace. I hope Rose feels peace. She truly deserves it.

"Hey Char." I say as I finally decide to call.

"Omg R. Are you okay?"

"I'm feeling a-bit better now. Sorry I haven't been in touch."

"Don't be silly! Your mum told me you were staying with Blaze?"

"Yeah, it's a longggg story."

"Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all?" She questions.

"Oh we can dream. Anyway I called to ask if you would come to Roses funeral with me. It's okay if you feel too uncomfortable, it would just mean a lot if I had you there with me."

"No of course I'll come. I've wanted to be here for you so I'm glad I finally can."

"Thanks Char. Okay well if you just wanna meet us at the church on Monday?"

"Okay, I'll see you there. Stay strong R."

Ah, well that went well. In a way I just wanted the funeral to be over with. I didn't want it to seem like a reality but I also didn't want to be living on edge waiting for the real pain to kick in.

Tuesday. The day had arrived quicker than planned. I hoped for it to come around but I wasn't ready. I was scared. Scared to face everyone, feeling the guilt that I do. I know everyone would say it's not my fault and I guess in a way it's not but it also is.

I wore a black skater dress with some black flats, but I wore a red cardigan. Roses mum, Emily, asked us all the wear her favourite colour in honour of her.

"Are you ready petal?" Dad shouted up.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready." I reply as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

"I know." He forces a smile.

The church is small but cute, just how Rose was. Charlotte is waiting outside when we arrive and she greets me with the biggest hug.


"Hey. Let's go inside."

A lot of people turned up. I'm not surprised because she was loved by many. I felt sick. How would I make it through this ceremony? Was I just being selfish?

I tried to keep breathing in and out as the ceremony went on. I was in tears when Emily spoke but I felt happier when they played some of her favourite songs.

"I was wondering if Rory wanted to say a few words, as she was the last one to see her?" Someone spoke.

I practically fainted. How could I speak? It's my fault she's gone. But I was the last to see her. I'm the last person who ever saw her alive and they want me to speak. How will I physically stand up there without being sick? No I have to. For Rose. She's probably laughing at me right now. You did all this for a boy? And she's right. I'm an idiot.

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