wow this is a shit show. i am so sorry i posted this story. from the bottom of my heart, i apologise to all 5 of you that read these chapters, you didn't deserve this. reading these past chapters hurts so much beacuse i said some stuff i don't agree with now and am ashamed of saying. also i acted very disrespectful overall, which like. in the grand scheme of things doesn't even matter bc there was a grand total of like 5 people reading this but. for my own peace of my mind i have to apologise. anyway. DANGANRONPA SHIPS SPEED ROUND LETS GO
Saiouma: fucking yes one of my all time favorite ships in this fandom
Saimatsu: no, i love their friendship and i respect and understand if you do like this ship tho
Saimota: no, will be explained shortly
Harukaito: i love these two together and i only really like this ship with momota since i've been very annoyed with his character at times
Irumatsu: yes and i don't know why
Amamatsu: yes and it's because of that fingernail pasinting scene
Tenmiko: yes there are adorable together, Tenko's death almost made me cry
Amamguji: yes i just think the idea of them traveling the world together as a couple is very cute
Omota: no, i personally think kokichi and kaito's personalities clash too much
Kiiruma: yes i love the robot x mechanic dynamic
Komahina: yes, you'll soon find out I'm a basic bitch with danganronpa ships
Soniaki: yes, i actually love this ship a lot even though it's kinda unpopular
Sondam: yes i love their little roleplays and how big of a simp Gundham is for Sonia
Soudam: yes and wow i didn't realize their ship names were so similar, anyway, i do love a good enemies to lovers and destruction of comphet
Souda/Sonia: no, it's obvious by the way i don't even know their ship name, i think they're both bad for each other. however, if it's a polyamorous relationship with Gundham there to balance it out then i do appreciate it
Hinanami: it's complicated, it like it in a poly ships between hinata/komaeda/chiaki, but not really alone
Komanami: same with Hinanami
Ibuki/Imposter: shockingly yes, i don't mind it, despite what me not knowing their ship name might imply
Soapies: yes, though side note i have no idea why that is their ship name
Fuyupeko: yes i do not mind it
Kuzuhina: yes, i wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know what this is, but it's a rarepair i really enjoy (fuyuhiko/hinata)
Neagami: yes, now do you understand how i'm a basic bitch with dr ships
Neagiri: yes i don't mind it
Celesgiri: yes i do love enemies to lovers as evidenced by my protag x antag weak spot
Neazono: no i just think there are better people for both of them
Leon/Sayaka: yes i like them
Ikuzono: yes i think Sayaka bringing out the romantic of Mukuro is cute
Ishimondo: who in the fandom doesn't at this point
Sakuraoi: yes they are a classic
Toko/Byakuya: no.
Toko/Komaru: yes.
damn i'm prob missing a shit ton but that's all i have in me to do. idk if i'm ever going to update this again. if i do idk when. not like it matters lmao no one's gonna read this shit. bsd would sooner get a fourth season before people started reading this

Ships; Do I Ship Them?
FanfictionWe'll be going through tons of ships and I will say if I like them or not! (Also why and why not) You guys can also try to persuade me to ship something I don't ship, if you want. 05/27/22: very inconsistent updates, very likely you might not seen m...