Chapter 12

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Izuku's POV

I quickly laid Izumi in her bed before closing her door and stomping back into the living room. Ma was sleeping on the couch with a bottle in her hand and multiple surrounding her on the table.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted turning the lights on.

Ma groggily opened her eyes and sat the bottle down. She looked at me with no emotions.

"Oh, you guys are back?"

My nose scrunched in disgust at the smell of alchohol. My face was red in anger and my knuckles were turning white. I took a deep breath and let it out, giving Ma a hurtful glare.

"You couldn't make it to your four year old's birthday because you were too busy getting drunk?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly. Ma rolled her eyes.

What is up with her?

"So what? I miss one measly birthday. I don't need to go to every one Izuku!" She raised her voice and I was taken aback.

"You not being there is not what hurt the most, it's the fact that you forgot! How do you forget the day your only daughter was born on?!" I also began to raise my voice. Tears start to fall from my eyes in anger.

"So what?" She questioned with a glare.

"M-Ma," I sniff. Her face softened slightly. "What happened to you?" I ask quietly.

She looks at the bottles around her and shrugged. I shook my head storming out the room slamming my door shut and locking it.

I walk into my bathroom to remove my jewelry. I changed into a pair of shorts and slid into bed soon falling into a deep slumber.


I woke up to the sound of crying and sniffing outside my door. I slowly get up and walk over to my door. I open it and was met with Izumi sitting in front of it holding onto her Midnight plushy while staring up at me, with tears in her big green eyes.

"W-why a-are all the d-doors locked?" She sobbed. I picked her up and rocked her around as she rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly.

"I'm so sorry Izzy," I whispered closing the door.

"M-Mama's door was locked t-too. I t-thought you guys l-left me." She sighed in relief, and loosened her grip on my neck as I rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"Why is that Izzy? We'll never leave you."

"I had a bad dream that you and- Mama got into a big fight. A-and left me and never came back." She briefly explained, I laid us down on the bed.

"We'll never leave you, okay? I promise." I kiss her temple and she lays her head on my chests beginning to dose off. I soon fell asleep after.

The Next Morning

My alarm clock wakes me out of my slumber. I shut it off, stifling a yawn. "Izzy, time to wake up for school," I say softly rubbing her back. She peeks her eyes open and smiles at me. Today is her first day at preschool. I had to enroll her since Ma forgot to multiple times.

"'Morning Zuzu," She yawns and places her hand on my cheek. I take her hand and kiss her palm before standing up with her in my arms and walking into her bedroom.

She picks out a white long sleeve, brown bear overall dress, white stockings, and brown boots. Yes I know my baby sister has style. She gets it from her big brother of course.

"How about you go ahead and brush you teeth and wash your face while I take a quick shower and get dressed." I said and she nods running into her bathroom.

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