Chapter 15

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Izuku's POV

"My eyes are all red and puffy." I grumbled.

"You still look great though," Katsuki responded, dabbing a wet tissue under my eye.

After a while of sitting on the cold concrete Katsuki took me to the bathroom to freshen up.

We went back to the group and we all began dancing, laughing, and making fun of Kaminari's terrible dance moves.

It only lasted for a few hours until it was 12:32am and I decided to leave to pick Izumi up because she had preschool in the morning and it was still a school night. I said my goodbyes and got in the car before driving off to the Bakugo's.

I park, not bothering to turn the engine off and walked to the front door ringing the door bell.

A few seconds later a confused, tired looking Mitsuki opened the door, her eyes were puffy and red. Has she been crying?

"Izuku? What are you doing here?" She yawned, and I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"I'm here to pick Izumi up...?" I say more like a question. She tilts her head.

"Inko came a while ago to pick her up." She muttered.

"At what time?" I asked.

"Around 7:50," She replied and I nodded.

"Oh okay, goodnight." I said waving as she gave me a soft sad smile, closing the door.

I'll ask her about it tomorrow. I got into the car and took a deep breath before driving off.

I unlock the front door and push it open to a dark quiet house. I walk into the living room to see Ma with an empty bottle of beer on the table in front of her and one half full in her hand. She was asleep. I thought I threw those away.

I grabbed the bottles and threw them away. I enter the kitchen to see a carton of milk, bread, cheese, and sandwich meat on the floor with the fridge slightly opened. I furrow my eyebrows cleaning the stuff off the floor. I walk down the hall to Izumi's room to see it cracked opened. I peeked in and she wasn't in there. I walked to my room to see the door also cracked open and walked inside to see Izumi half asleep sitting on floor with her knees brought up to her chest. A half eaten sandwich sitting beside her.

Her eyes squint open and glanced up a bit, they snapped open when she saw me. She wobbly got up and ran to me with open arms. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms.


"I'm hungry Zuzu," She interrupted and I nodded walking into the kitchen glaring at Ma's sleeping figured as I passed the living room.

"Okay babes, what do you want?" I questioned, carrying her to the kitchen. She shrugged.

"Katsudon?" I questioned, sitting her on the counter. She nodded rubbing her eyes.

The thing with Izumi is that she can't sleep on an empty stomach. If I stayed out all night she probably would've stayed up until I got back.

Which makes me wonder...

"Why didn't you ask Ma to cook something for you?"

"I did. She told me to wait, and I did for a long time and I came to remind her again and she was drinking the nasty smelly stuff.

She's mean when she drinks that so I waited until she was done. When I went to remind her again she was sleep and I didn't want to wake her up." She explained.

"Okay Izzy, what happened when she picked you up from Auntie Mitsu's?"

"She was banging on the door. Auntie opened it and Mama yelled at her to give me back. They got into a fight and now I can't see Auntie and Uncie no more." She sniffed and I hugged her.

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