Chapter 26

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Izuku's POV

A month has passed. And my life has been the best since.

I moved into the dorms a month ago and it's been so much fun. I still pick Izumi up from school everyday after school and take her out or take her to the dorms to hang out with everyone.

She also started her new croc collection, in courtesy of Kirishima and his obsession with them.

Her favorites are the red ones with a shark and red riot charm, basically matching kirishima's. He also got her a green bandana and life stock worth of beef jerky. Let's just say that Kirishima is literally her favorite almost after Katsuki.

Kaminari is extremely jealous, and got her a human sized pikachu plushy that she sleeps with every night.

Now everyone is jealous and trying to become her favorite, but I don't think anybody could pass her Yuki. Well except Kirishima because he's ALMOST there.

Also Katsuki and I's date went amazing. He took me on a few more after and asked me out. I said yes of course, so now i'm officially his.

The group is ecstatic and is coming out here for Labor Thanksgiving Day. They're going to surprise Izumi, let's see if any of them can pass Katsuki. I feel like Eleanor will definitely snatch her spot back.

"Should we have thanksgiving at the dorms or yaoyorozu's place since its big?!" Hakagure asked. Everyone was in the common area figuring out where we're going to have thanksgiving.

Some were going home for the holiday and some are staying here.

"Let's have it here!" Mina chimed.

"Midoriya are you staying here or going home for thanksgiving, kero?" Tsu asked me, Izumi decided to answer that for me.

"Staying here!" Izumi cheered, I chuckled and nodded.

"We're staying here, Ma said she has work that day so I might as well take Izumi and stay here for the week," I shrugged. I don't exactly know why she has work that day, but it's whatever I guess.

"That's great!" Mina exclaimed.

Mina doesn't see her parents much since they're always traveling. So when she heard that they weren't going to be there for Thanksgiving she was devastated. Everyone then decided to have Thanksgiving together so she wouldn't be alone.

"I call dibs on making the cakes and pie!" Izumi raised her hand happily.

"Yeah we're on desert duty," I shrugged.

"What no! That's the easier part let me!" Kaminari pouted.

"I want to help!" Kirishima chimed, Kaminari gaped dramatically at him, and pointed a finger at him.

"No! I want to do it with Izumi and Mido you always have her attention!"

"Not true!"

"So true!" Kaminari crossed his arms and continued, "You always buy her stuff and do whatever she says, it's giving Bakubro!" He snapped, Kirishima paused for a moment, before shrugging.

"You're right,"

"You're not supposed to agree!"

"Denki you can bake with us!" Izumi cheered, Kirishima's and Kaminari's eyes widened as their heads snapped to her.

"Hey- OW!" Kirishima rubbed the spot where Kaminari activated his quirk at.

"Awe you little cutie pie!" Kaminari picked her up and began spinning her around. Izumi giggled throwing her hands up in the air.

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