Chapter 3 Listen To The Man

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*1 week later*

---Diggle POV---

Another week and another mission over. And the tension between these two was killing me. Each one wanting to run into the others arms and each one holding back for the safety of the other. God these two never cease to amaze me.
For some reason this time felt different. It was oliver! Well that's unexpected. I assumed it would be felicity who would crack first but here I am watching oliver mentally fighting with himself and a slither away from jumping off the table he was sitting on and kissing her.
Alright I thought I would be having this conversation under different circumstances but either way he needs to hear it so here goes nothing.

"Oliver, Can I talk to you upstairs for a minute?" My voice obviously broke him out of some sort of deep thought as he almost jumps at the sound of his name. But as he follows me up the stairs I have the feeling he already knows what I'm going to say.

"I already know what you're going to say dig" Oliver stated once we were at the bar. Great less for me today, oh and make a mental note to let Lyla know you really can't be one step ahead of Oliver Queen. "I need to keep my distance from her, she was so close to getting hurt tonight and-"

"Wait, What!" I blurted out. "That wasn't meant to be out loud but still man I was gonna say the complete opposite" utter disbelieve was so profound in my voice and I really hoped Oliver heard it and would bring him to his senses "dude your mad about her and so is she, so stop beating around the bush and give her what you both need"

"And what would that be?" The fact that Oliver still didn't know dumbfounded me and it looked like I was going to have to spell it out.

"Dear lord Oliver it's like I'm looking after Sara, for real it live from the one and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about because I'm done trying to teach words to incoherent imbeciles" Jesus Christ if he doesn't get it after this I will put an arrow in my brain.

"But she deserves so much better, so much more" Oliver stated laced with sorrow

"Have you asked her that?"


"Have you ever found out if maybe your the best she deserves or the most she needs"


"No 'buts' man, she thinks you are the best thing in the universe and what you think will keep her safe won't matter. She'll never be happy unless your next to her and you know it. So stop moping here and tell me for the umpteenth time that your not good enough or she deserves better and go get your butt down those stairs and get your woman" I let out an exasperated breath and felt so relieved knowing my work was done.


"Ah-ah-ah no you are not gonna say another word. You are gonna get off this bar stool, type your code into that door and go start the relationship that you desire.Now Go!"

As I watched him leave I knew I had helped destiny fulfil what the world had been waiting for and took it as my signal to leave

---Oliver's POV---

My heart felt like it would rip from my chest and not give me enough time to say what I had been wanting to since I saw her chewing that red pen and QC.

Once I got clue enough to the adorable IT girls desk I took a deep breath as I readied myself to say the words I had been dying to say


A/N and you're going to have to wait to find out what happens next. So how much do you wish this would happens in arrow and also what would you like to happen in the progress of this book. Let me know and don't forget to keep listening to the songs in the title as they add a new element to this book that I haven't seen over the whole of wattpad.

So please don't be afraid to voice your opinions on my writing style or this book in general. I'm a new writer and could use all the help I can get.

I'm not leaving a teaser as you can probably guess what's coming next😉

Thank you 😘

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