Chapter 7 I Know You

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Day 1 of your week of updates, Here We Go!

---Felicity POV---

I couldn't believe. It was only 12 hours ago since he had kissed me. Oliver Queen had actually kissed me. He had actually promised that this was for real and he wasn't going to leave me. I ended up sleeping in today because my happy dreams decided to continue through my alarm. Note to self: change alarm tune so it will actually wake me up.

Once i had woken up i had 10 messages from Oliver:

Hey beautiful, you awake


Ok you're probably asleep, sweet dreams my love

Felicity? Please babe answer

Felicity? Please i need to know you're okay

Okay i'm coming round

No don't worry panic over, just sleep

I know you probably won't see these until you wake up but when you do please reply

I love you

I need you-i'm at the foundry

It was kind of adorable. he was babbling like i do. Maybe this was a side to Oliver i could get used to.

I'd finally arrived at Verdant and was about to tap in the code, when for some reason i froze. How much of us will have changed because of our sudden change in relationship. Okay maybe not sudden. We've confessed our love multiple times but still.

Suck it up Felicity

I punched in my code and began my descent down the stairs. It then became obvious that i had actually scared him because here he was on the salmon ladder. Shirtless! This shouldn't feel different but yet it does. I mean i've seen him shirtless loads of times but this time just seems different. Like i can now stare and not feel embarrassed or even be daring and be waiting at the bottom to kiss him

And i would've done just if i hadn't noticed John hitting the dummy out of the corner of my eye. How much i just wanted to make him vanish and run up to Oliver. But i composed myself and walked over to my desk without making eye contact with anyone, until i finally sat down and looked up only for Oliver's to meet mine in a glance that told me he wanted Dig to leave too. But we both just smiled and returned to our normal roles, hoping Diggle wouldn't notice any change. And it seemed like it worked. We hoped.

An alert from my computer brought me out of my thoughts and once i opened it i froze.

"Uhm...Guys you may want to come here" I muttered, still shocked at what i was seeing

And as i played the video both John and Oliver's faces mirrored mine.

A woman looking a lot like the Black Canary except with brown hair and a bow instead a stick had been hacking into computer systems and interrogating people looking for The Arrow

I swiveled around in my chair to face Oliver with utter disdain etched across my face "another ex of your?"

He simply returned my look with one of disbelief and replied "I have no idea"

And with that he began to make his way towards the glass case that held his Arrow suit but before he could grab his bow we heard a noise come from the railing above...

A/N: and there you have you're first chapter of the week, i know it has strayed a little away from my original plan, but I'm super excited to bring a new role into this book. They are not from the series and is a new character i hope to bring into the book which may or may not make it more confusing but definitely interesting. Dont worry though there will be plenty of Olicity soon to come :)

Til Tomorrow. x

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