How it started ?

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Earth, year 2189

The world... Has really changed.

The entire surface of the globe is now occupied by buildings, excluding national parks and forests "required for the production of sufficient oxygen", serving as megaparks with buildings resembling luxury resorts.

The Earth... has become a de facto "Paradise on Earth."

Though the human eye has long since reached far beyond the limits of our pile of dirt, further even beyond the limits of our system.

We are at the beginning of a long road through the stars and it is with this road that we intend to go to our destination... whatever that goal is.

We have achieved much, but I still ask myself...

Have we lost our humanity?

Hm, humanity...

In this day and age...

...a robot is more humane than a man.

-Andrew Bertley, President of the United Nations, 2189.


Capitalism still exists... and as it does, so do corporations. Some better, some worse - all usually have a similar number of sins. At the... "top" of one of them is me - and, personally, I think I run it pretty well. The investments are paying off, and my... "employees" are enjoying conveniences previously unknown to other drones. I even received an award - "In gratitude in the fight against interspecies discrimination" - from some magazine. I was on its cover...People really are strange - a hundred years ago everyone's dream was to have their own private friend who would satisfy their..."desires," but when it comes down to it, they treat them like second-class category citizens. The history repeats itself....though of course there are exceptions. More and more people are marrying these "drones", which is a rather natural course of things, and even, something I can't understand myself, they have offspring. Made of metal and screws, of course, but still with the characteristics of their "biological" parents. I don't understand it, you won't undestand it either. Never mind... where I've finished ? Oh, yeah - my corporation. Just a company that digs up precious materials on extraterrestial planets, refines them, and then sells them to other corporations who then turn them into other things. You know, capitalism and all that. It's going well ! So well that I'm trying to spread my wings to even... bigger markets. And here's where things start to go wrong so much that the media tries to keep quiet about it at all costs...

The incident on the planet Sirion B3.

It's a bit of a long story - but don't worry ! I'll explain it to you as... "clear" as possible.

So -


There was this corporation -JcJenson... IN SPAAACEE !

A name as stupid as its managers -revenues on the brink of profitability, no qualified staff to run dangerous machines, poor treatment of staff, even worse of drones -something had to fuck up. Small loss if it's a broken machine.... big if it's blowing up the PLANET CORE....

On the other world (Human male OC x Murder Drones)Where stories live. Discover now