Here comes the General...

566 14 13

A week later...


Days have passed without any bigger distractions... except for our boss, of course. I know what transpired back there, and I know he got hit by that pretty badly... still, the lack of upper management proves to be tiresome... especially with me being second-in-command.

Answering the questions, maintaining relations, hearing useless tirades by useless politicians... even hearing racist insults from industry magnates - I've experienced the WHOLE package. But I'm kinda used to that. Even with all their blabbering about „drone not being able to hold any meaningful position" they can't change the truth - WE are making money.

I was currently sitting by the comms console, checking the number integrity. We're currently having problems with some kind of virus that changes numbers in the contact list... more annoying than troubling.

One of the diodes lit up, signaling an upcoming call... from an unknown location.

RKN : Hm... maybe our little hacker will reveal himself...

I clicked the button labeled „ACCEPT".

Red light overwhelmed my eyes as a pair of some kind of dirty drone appeared on the screen. Their whole bodies were covered in dust and debris. It was hard to even notice a difference between the two. All those facts made me suspicious.

RKN : Hm... With whom I have the... pleasure ?

??1 : Ehm...

One of the drones looked at the other with trouble on their face.

??2 : ...Anonymous informers.

RKN : Oh, „Anonymous informers" ? The ones that cause all sorts of outrages across the known space ?

My finger hovered above the „END CALL" button.

RKN : We don't need no-

??1 : DLB ! We're from DLB...

I looked at them, shocked. DLB a.k.a. Drone Liberation Force was a rather controversial group, often defined as „terrorist" by technology magnates or „Cheerful fighters for freedom" by most of humanity. Some of their actions are questionably, though. And yes - they are theoretically outlawed.

The second drone stuck the first on the head.

??2 : You idiot ! Now we had to change positions and abandon this post... You know how hard it is to find a communication console like that ?!

RKN : Wait, wait, wait...

They both looked at me worried. True, they might be outlawed, but they are also one of Florian's most fervorous supporters, which, by proxy, made my work easier. No one attacks a man that have the whole liberation movement on their side. The rebel would quickly take off the enemy before I'd even notice it...

RKN : ...Anonymous informants it is. I hear no affiliation. Now... tell me what you want me to tell.

??1 : It's... JcJenson's arrested CEO...

Hm ?

??2 : He escaped... and, in our calculations, is plotting to do something with Mister Florian !

Oh... Oh no. Oh... oh fuck.

??1 : We'll tell you what we know.


Twenty minutes later.

I ended the call and rubbed my forehead. This is bad... very bad... I guess it's time to use one of our aces... but first... A call to our boss... Damn, I hope he'll take it well.

On the other world (Human male OC x Murder Drones)Where stories live. Discover now