Cure the wound !

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? : I came as you instructed me.

The man sat down on a chair opposite the desk. He looked extremely young for my profession - he was about 30 years old. His suit made it clear that he was a businessman.

Albert sighed, then replied:

AJJ : Thank you for coming so quickly, Mr. Clad. As you know...

: Everything you probably want to tell me, I already know myself. The planet Sirion B3, right ?

Albert murmured. H o w . . . . ?!

AJJ : How ?

CD : I'm an extremely knowledgeable man - if I don't know something in advance, I can deduce everything from market correlations. And with their help, it's easy to tell what's on your mind.

AJJ : Hm, is that so ? I wish I had that ability - maybe it would keep this company from being on the verge of bankruptcy.

CD : I am not here to review your mistakes - I am only interested in the offer.

AJJ : All right, all right... I want you to get this planet back for me.

CD : With apologies - wouldn't it be easier to just buy it back ? It's only been a month...

AJJ : And he's not idle. The stakes are too high for him to settle for a trivial purchase price. He has even started exporting... He won't give it up for anything, however rotten it may be.

CD : ...Understood. This will not be a problem for me. However, I would like to get access to the databases of the venture before making a deal.

AJJ : Why ?

CD : I don't want to buy a cat in a bag.

Albert sighed, then handed him a flash drive containing the data. Clad slipped it into a special hole in the side of his neck, only to remove it a second later. He already knew everything.

: 10 million plus reimbursement for funds used. In cash.

AJJ : ...How much ? You don't think-

CD : I know my price. And this is a tough nut. Probability of success : 95.6%. I will not let you down.

Albert sighed once again. All these investments are going to finish him off....

AJJ : Half now, half after the job is done.

CD : Deal.

They shook hands and wrote up the deal. Only... for what? That was for Florian himself to find out.



I left the office with five million in my pocket and a new job to do. It won't be difficult - it'll take me a couple of months, unless, um, something does it for me. My life has never been a bed of roses, but exciting yet simple jobs like these make me want to live. If the life of a special assassin android can be called a life.

I'm hungry. Ramen time !


Next day, evening


I washed my face with water, not hiding my disgust. Why do these drones have to be painted with that nauseating varnish? I have to repaint them someday - although on th eother hand, I will rarely, if ever, kiss them. Right ?

I was currently in a newly built canteen, set up specifically to process and dispense food to people –so just a regular canteen. We had managed to find an underground deposit of clean water, so we shouldn't have to worry about getting sick - or at least I shouldn't. I took a mouthful of water to make sure it was clean.

I took the water to my mouth to rinse my throat of the metallic aftertaste.

FDL : Next time I'll take some rag-

Dr. Deus : Mr. Florian?

I spit out the water that I was now rinsing my throat with in front of me. After coughing a few times I turned towards Deus, clearly amused by my reaction.

Dr.Deus : Sorry, did I scare you ?

I wiped my mouth and faced her.

FDL : It's nothing. What's the status?

On the other world (Human male OC x Murder Drones)Where stories live. Discover now