Temporary Jurisdiction (Part 2)

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An old lodge at the city's border...


I stood on the almost-collapsed balcony, looking at the nearly marvelous sight of an apocalyptic city in the distance, surrounded by half-dead trees and piles of white snow. One particular spot caught my interest in particular – a dark blob of oil in the little crater, right next to a big mountain I've also noticed remnants of that big spiral that, from what I've heard, fell under the heavy winds recently right onto my husband's base of operations...

And now, to my amazement, a red light began emitting from the same very mountain I've mentioned before...

It seems that my Florian has run out of luck...

Well, it's all about to get fixed someday... Maybe after I take him back...

CLAD : A little help, maybe ? You're my partner-in-mission, not a commander ! Do some work !

I turned towards this insufficient excuse of a drone, Clad, who was cleaning the lodge to make it more „hospitable".

I turned towards him with a smug grin.

HEN : What ? Are your little drony arms finally giving up after you ate too much noodle ?

CLAD : L-leave ramen out of this !

HEN : Then do your cleaning yourself.

I turned my head back.

HEN : At to your information...

...I AM superior to you.


Dr.Deuss POV

I looked at the diagrams, carefully scribbling away on the clinic's computer. Things were getting well for Florian, well, at least in terms of his reconvalescence. He still needs to be connected to all those pipes, though. Truly, I might not be a miracle worker, but those machines as well could be. If I read those right, I might start removing some of those machines in around 2 days, and in 4 days he'd be good to go. That means, if EVERYTHING goes as expected.

Loud noises could be heard from the depths of the base. As well some louisy-ass talking.

Dr.Deuss : Ugh, what part „Do not disturb a patient" the don't understand ?!

DOLL : Chast', gde ya ubivayu yego (The part where I kill him)

I turned my head toward the voice, instinctively picking up a scalpel from the desk.

All the light around me turned red. Of course – an alarm. That explains the noises...

Dr.Deuss : I don't know what's going on there, but let me tell you straight...

My tails shoot out from around my body in a threatening manner.

Dr.Deuss : Before you get him, you have to get through me first.

DOLL : Khm, poydet. (Hm, will do.)

We rushed towards each other, ready to battle.



I flew through the air, avoiding tentacles and cutting most of them off. Things went pretty well – maybe because there's seven of us and only one of... whatever this thing is. So much of a decent fight scene.

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