Ex Cathedra

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I opened the door to the cathedral and walked inside with my Nori on my shoulder.

I could certainly say it was one, if not the, best looking man-made structure I've seen on the surface of this planet – the reason for its existence is an enigma for me. Why would anyone build such a pretty exterior for a server room ?!

Who am I kidding – It's JcJenson we're talking about.

The door closed with a characteristic „thud" as I took a couple steps back.

I noticed a character next to the altar on the other end...

FDL : So, that's where it ends... Henrietta.

She just smiled at me, as my throat started to run dry. I was breathing heavily... But I'm ready to face my fears.

HEN : Of course, dear – as it should be. Please... come closer.

My gaze was turning between her and my companion to my left. I picked her up and left her on the floor.

FDL : You know what you have to do.

NORI : Yeah. Be careful here – I can sense the danger even from here.

I looked back to Henrietta.

FDL : I don't doubt that.

Nori crawled into the vent on the floor and I started walking towards my ex-fiancee.

I place my hand on my holster. It's time to end this.


Step, step, step...

I stopped around half-way between Henrietta and the door, looking at her with mixed disgust.

FDL : I wonder what's your REAL objective. What do you REALLY want, Henrietta ?

HEN : All I want is to get my love back...

FDL : Ph... „Love"... Like you are the „real thing"...

HEN : You doubt that, dear ? I really want to... want us... to get back together... to make you happy...

FDL : Yet you work with someone who wants to destroy EVERYTHING I HAVE.

HEN : If it's needed... I can do anything. My father is just a means to achieve it !

She took a step closer, I took a step back and put hand on my holster.

HEN : ...What are you doing ?

I pulled out my gun and pointed it at her.

HEN : Really ? You want to shoot me ? ME ?! You know that even if you do, it won't do anything to me – this new form is REALLY resistant, something you have yet to experience...

She spread her arms wide open and began running in my direction.

HEN : Come to me and let's become o-

I pointed the gun at my head.




She immediately halted.

HEN : F-flori... You surely don't think-

FDL : I can deal with extremes, too.




I hope this bluff will work – this thing is not even loaded. My fuckin' god...

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