Change your world (Part 2)

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We fought in pairs - me versus V, and a strange emo girl versus J. At first glance, it might seem that the setting wasn't quite fair, but I knew that J didn't look like she wanted to fight - something was bothering her, probably she got into a logical error or something. V, on the other hand, is a tough nut to crack. Razumihin supposedly lost to her, so I have to be on my guard.

Not even half a second had passed when V launched herself in my direction, with her blades aimed directly at my head. Miraculously, I managed to block them... with my own blades, which slipped out of my hands. V was clearly taken a back by this.

V : Oh, so you have blades too. I already thought the fight would be as boring as last time.

RKN : Unlike Razkolnikov, I received training to use these marvels. Razzie was too lazy~.

We both shot upwards, attacking each other while blocking each attack. It looked like some scenes from anime, where the opponents are so fast that you can only see sparks flying from the swords hitting each other. This went on for a good 15seconds when we were finally deadlocked - she held onto my blades and I held onto hers.

V : I admit, you're not the worst. However, I have one more weapon in reserve.

Her tail with poison on the end shot towards me, however, being blocked by my own tail.

RKN : You'll have to try harder to kill me.

V bit her lip, and the fight continued.


At the same time


I don't know what's actually going on, but it looks like I have to fight this drone. A drone that has probably killed dozens or maybe even hundreds of stronger and smarter drones than me. I slowly began to back away, searching with my eyes for the part that would allow me to defeat this girl.



I didn't want to do this. I don't want to do this - but I was forced. My circuits are already sparking from this dilemma of mine, and this fight isn't going to make it any easier. Why should I fight them ? With every drone I kill, I feel worse and worse, like I'm working against the company. And yet it was so much fun before ! I really don't know what to do...

I jumped off the lander and looked at my opponent, slowly retreating. I switched my hand to a machine gun and aimed it at her.

J : I hope you like bullets-

I said in an uncertain voice, pulling around towards her. Of course none of the bullets hit- I wasn't even really aiming. My hand was trembling too much for aiming to have any effect.

The girl dodged the attack with ease, making a star towards the nearest pile of rubble. She managed to do so without any problems.



Ok, I was expecting something more difficult, but ok. I'm behind cover, now it's time to look for-.

I noticed a strange cylinder with a glowing green liquid lying about twenty meters away from me.

UZI : Bingo.

I ran as hard as I could with my metal legs, once again dodging my opponent's clumsy attack. Either she has burned out circuits, or all the other drones that got killed were complete morons. I picked up the strange cylinder, then charged the rifle with it -  now I just had to-.

On the other world (Human male OC x Murder Drones)Where stories live. Discover now