Dealing with one's mind... (Beginning of Part 4)

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Note : Check a little rewrite in "Results and Preparation" before reading. I changed it... a bit.

On the other world...

Part 4...


MrJcJenson : PROSTOK, at last !

I looked at such a shameful display of a space station. A little cabin with minimal isolation separated me from the void of the space. The whole thing was bare, with only minimal commodities such as a bathroom and a kitchenette. Surely, a person of my stance shouldn't even traffle with such a disgusting place... But it is on the border of Florian's domain... And it is intractable by even the finest radars. When the time comes, I'll turn the built-in-engines and put it on the planet's orbit... And, well, Cyn will do the rest.

The drone was looking at me right now with those empty eyes of theirs.

CYN : ???-!-???

MrJcJenson : I have to admit, you did a pretty good job being a pain in the DaLouc's ass... I bet that CLAD still thinks he's doing anything useful.

I turned my head and looked straight into its blissfully unaware eyes.

MrJcJenson : When time will come...

Kill everyone on the planet's surface.


Two days after return


I looked at the empty ceiling of my room, deep in thoughts. My tears dried hours ago, and it seems that I'm unable to cry anymore. Shock and sadness evaporated long ago, even though I was trying to hold it till I was in my room. At the end, I barricaded myself in my room to get hold of... of it all. How... How could they do this ?! Resurrect their own daughter... my own fiance... For what ? Revenge ? Distraction ? To show their power ?

My head hurts, so do my eyes. I think I'll just go to sleep...

RZM : Sir ?!

Razzie's shout went through the door and reached my ears.

RZM : I don't want to bother you, sir, but that's not a healthy response to the current situation !


A faint voice reached my audio receptors.

FDL : Leave me alone...

Oh boy, I think it's a little outside my range of qualifications... I'm a perfect matchmaker, not a therapist.

RZM : What do you think, Deuss ?

Deuss, silent 'till now, spoke in unsure voice:

Dr.Deuss : I think he needs time to mallow it through... It would advise keeping guard of his room and checking the video camera feed... In case he would get some stupid idea...

RZM : Man... To think he could be brought down as hard as that...

Dr.Deuss : Better that than be in denial. I could see cracks in his behavior the moment he boarded the bus.

On the other world (Human male OC x Murder Drones)Where stories live. Discover now