Let Me Inside Your World

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There's five things I gotta do before the summer ends:

1.) Get a tan. A real one. Not one that makes you look orange.

2.) Lose 5 pounds. I don't really need it, but it would be nice.

3.) Get over my fear of spiders. I know, 'how stupid' right?

4.) Get up and do something instead of my normal couch potato attitude I'm used to.

5.)Marry Justin Bieber.

Now I know how crazy and totally mental the last one sounds. And you're probably thinking: "Ew, why Justin Bieber?!" And honestly, I couldn't give you a cute, down to earth reason for it. 'Wanna know why I wanna marry him? He's hot. It's as simple and as blunt as that.

I'm not exactly a 'belieber.' or however you spell it, but I have grown very found of Justin's music over the past year. I guess you can call me an almost belieber. My sister, however is totally obsessed and she's the main reason for my newly developed feelings for the 19 year old boy from Canada. (See, I know some stuff about him.) She is absolutely and completely head over heels in love with him. But want to know the great part, I mean the really amazing part about that? She can't do anything about it because she's only thirteen! It cracks me up sometimes and I just love to torture her about her young age. Considering I'm eighteen gives me a great excuse as to why if she did ever meet Justin, he couldn't(and I always throw in wouldn't) date her because she's to young and that he would totally want to date me and it wouldn't be considered illegal or just down right creepy. And then we argue and sometimes she throws in a few awkwardly unstable punches, but we always make up because she knows I was just kidding and she knows I love her as much as she loves me. But right now as she repeatedly pounds on my wooden door, all the cute, loving, caring comments I just made about her are being crumpled up and tossed out the window.

"What?" I yell, even though its twelve at night and my mom is sleeping just right down the hall. I don't really care though, she shouldn't be asleep this early on a Saturday anyways and I'm actually really shocked she remembered where she lives since she hasn't been home for three days. I guess the bar must have been holding her hostage.

Anyway, my sister barges into my room with her blonde, wavey hair all tangled and frizzy. As she rushes closer(and I mean runs.) I can see the determination in her blue-green eyes.

"What are you doing, dork?" I ask, slipping out of my warm bed and walking across my room to accompany her at my laptop, which she is eagerly pecking away at with one, boney finger.

"I'm going to win a contest." She says, taking her eyes off of the bright screen for scarcely a second, and then shifting them back.

"Oooo! What kind?" I ask, poking at her side with my fingers, just to get under her skin. After she is finished pecking at the keyboard like a chicken, she turns to me and smiles very, very creepy like...

"What..?" I ask, backing away from my sister and her deranged eyes.

"I can feel it, Samantha!" She yells, then leaps on my bed and starts to dance. I give her the 'feel what?' look and sit down on the edge of the bed then fold my hand patiently in my lap. She plops down on my bed ,hard, then squeals and fans herself.

"Spit it out, Melanie!" I yell at her, using her full name to grasp into her attention.

"Ok," She says and takes in a deep breath. "I was on my twitter and I-"

I stoped her. "The contest, Mel."

"OMG" She squeals again, "There's this contest to meet Justin!"

My heart begins to beat fast and hard, hurting my chest. As much as I want to jump up and scream, I can't because I have to keep my cool in front of my sister.

"How do you know if we win?" I ask, letting my excitement take over my voice. I smiled at her wide, and squeeze her small little hand.

"You'll get an email." She says and gets up then head towards the door. "Make sure you check for it, Sam!" She slams the door and I smile. I really hope we win...

I shut off all my lights and climbed under my pink covers. I settled into my bed and my eyes begin to weigh down but right before they shut for eight hours, I can hear the distant sound of my laptop, letting me know I have an email...

Let Me Inside Your World~Justin Bieber~(Re-Writting)Where stories live. Discover now