Chapter 3~

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So my little sister lets out the most ear piercing scream and runs over to him. He looks almost surprised to see us in the mall and she hugs him. Without even asking. He smiles a little and gives her a small squeeze back and the crowd outside screams louder. He shifts his glance and I guess he notices awkward me who is standing straight up as shocked as could be.

I quickly shift my eyes to the floor and take one step back but he decides to be his friendly self and come towards me.

"Hey, beautiful." He says, wrapping one arm around my small waist and pulling me in for a small hug. My sister follows closely after him. And I mean so close if she makes the wrong step she'll walk on his clean, white shoes.

So being as awkward as I am, I just smile at him and when I finally open my big mouth I say:

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were in here and I didn't mean to intrude! And we're not trying to ruin your day and I don't want you to think we want an autograph or something and-"

I stop because he laughs a little and I can feel my cheeks get hot and red.

"What?" I ask but don't receive an answer because my sister screams "FREDO!" and runs over to a figure walking towards us. Fredo gives her a weird look and walks up to Justin.

"Who are you guys?" He ask and there goes my cheeks again, turning all red.

"This is.." Justin says and I pull Mel away from Fredo and place her at my side.

"I'm Sam and this is Mel." I say and clear my throat. "I'm sorry we'll leave."

Fredo and Justin both laugh and exchange glances.

"What?" Mel asks and I push her behind me in fear she'll freak out.

"You guys aren't going anywhere. See those girls?" Fredo says motioning to the sea of thirteen year olds outside. "They'll attack you."

Mel squeezes my arm and I ask: "Well when will they leave?"

"Not for awhile so you're stuck with us." Justin says winking at me. He says it like a misfortune, like I wouldn't want to be stuck in the same room as him. Hell, I'm excited just knowing he's in the same planet as me and I'm sure Mel is excited she's breathing the same air as him.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask.

Justin looks at me and smiles but Fredo glances at my sister and asks if she wants to meet the crew. She nods her head so fast I think its going to pop off.

So we all end up walking down the mall; Fredo and Justin like 10 feet infront of us and me And Mel behind. I look over at her and her face is completely purple.

"Mel!" I whisper and she lets out a long breath. "What are you doing?"

"I was holding my breath. I didn't want to freak infront of Justin!"

"No wonder you were so silent." I say, laughing. Mel and I catch up to Justin and Fredo who stop in the middle of the large room and turn to us.

"Come on Mel." Fredo says and pulls her away. I look down and close my eyes, refusing to believe I'm stuck in the same room as Justin Bieber.

"Wanna see them go crazy?" He asks and a cute, mischievous smile crosses his face.

"How?" I ask and he goes, "Watch."

"Let them in!" Justin shouts to a security guard standing at the door who gives Justin a strange look. "Let them in!" He repeats and the guard shrugs and opens the doors.

Justin grabs my arm and pulls me into a jewelry store and locks the door. My eyes open wide as the large crowd of like 1,000 people forms in front of me. Its like looking at a bunch of Mel clones in front of my eyes. Girls begin to pound on the glass and it's so loud I cringe a little. Justin puts his finger up to his mouth and the crowd goes silent almost instantly. I can't believe how much power he has over these girls.

"This is my new friend, Sam!" He says, grabbing my arm and making me wave.

I hear a few complements and a few rude comments but I just stand there and play with my hands until Justin puts his arm around my shoulder. He puts it back down to his side and looks at me with a painful expression on his face, but he winks and I know he's up to something.

"What's wrong?!" A girl yells and the crowd "Awes".

"Sam," Justin says and picks up his shirt so his beautiful, toned abs are exposed. "My stomach is killing me!"

The girls scream so loud I think the glass is going to break! Justin laughs and walks closer to the doors.

"Maybe, it's these pants." He says and pulls them down so his red underwear are showing. And then the crowd goes insane again.

I'm going to have the biggest headache when I get out of here...

"Sing for us JuJu!" I girl yells and I look over at Justin who's smiling like an adorable idiot.

"Who wants to be my baby?" He asks and the crowd starts to jump up and down but he doesn't pick any of them, no he walks straight over to me and starts singing.

When he gets to the second verse he walks away and I shift my eyes to the floor.

"I'll buy you anything," He sings and I feel him tug on the bottom of my purple shirt. The crowd gets louder and I turn to see Justin on one knee holding up a ring. "I'll buy you any ring!"

He stops singing and stands up. I blush and laugh a little and the awkward film that was draped over me before is now gone.

He puts the ring on my finger and pulls me in for a hug, which I gladly except.

He talks to the girls through the glass for along time but never leaves me out of the conversation and everytime a hate comment is.made he stands up for me.

It takes the crowd an hour to clear out and I'm glad there gone because I get to go home but I'm extremely sad that I'll have to leave Justin. I half frown as he wraps his hand around mine and walks up to the cash register. He pulls out 200 dollars and places it on the smooth, white counter.

"What are you doing?" I ask, brushing my average, brown hair away from my face.

"Paying for that ring." He says and smiles. I blush and bring my hand up to my face to observe the beautiful diamond ring.

"Thanks..." I say and remove my other hand from his.

There's a part of me that believes he's just being nice, sweet and flirty to me because I'm a fan and I can't seem to push that thought away.

"Can we go get Mel so we can leave?" I ask as we walk out of the shop.

"Yeah where are we going, though?" He asks and I look at him confused.

"Oh," He says and puts his head down, "I thought when you said we you meant..."

I look at him and smile because I can't believe Justin Bieber just implied he wanted to hang out with me.

"Well," I say, "I was just going to my apartment, but I'm sure my mom has her drunken friends over already, so we can go somewhere else." He looks up confused but I continue talking. "But it wouldn't surprise me if she's at the bar right now either, so where do you want to go?"

"I'm sorry.." He says but I laugh and tell him I like it better when my mom is gone because then I don't have to deal with her bullshit.

"Do you wanna go see a movie?" He asks and grabs my hand again. "Just me and you."

I get a little surprised by the invention but shake my head yes and smile.

"What about Mel?" I ask and I can feel my hand getting sweaty within his.

"I think she's ok with Fredo. Plus this will give me a chance to get to know you better."

He smiles and pulls me out back to his silver car and we climb in.

I can't believe He wants to know me better. I can't believe I'm in the same car as him and I can't believe any of this even happened but it did.

And as Justin starts up the car and drives away, he never lets go of my hand. Not once.

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