Chapter 16~

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I wake up and take in my surroundings. Justin's room. A small smile plays on my lips as I turn on my side to see Justin sleeping so close next to me. During the night I must have wriggled out of his strong grip and on to the other side of the bed. I distinctively remember falling asleep on top of Justin...

Bitting my lip, I try to hold back a smirk as I crawl to the edge of the bed and tug the blanket off of Justin's slumbering body. I giggle and wrap myself in it.

"Give it back," Justin pleads with his eyes still closed. Well, he woke up fast...

"No, it's mine now." I laugh and pull the blanket around my head so it's framing my face.

"Please, baby." He says and shivers dramatically.

"No!" I yell and run out of the room. I hear the sound of Justin's feet hitting the floor and I soon realize he's catching up rather quick. I sharply turn a corner and search for any opened doors. My eyes spot one and I dash for it then slam the door shut hard. Justin's chuckles fill the house and I can't help but smile at the fact I'm wrapped up in a blanket in the middle of a rather large bathroom.

The doorknob wriggles and the door swings open. "Shit," I mumble as I smile foolishly at my approaching boyfriend.

"Next time lock the door," he says and hugs me. After the brief loving gesture, Justin stands back and looks at me. No, he stares at me.

"What?" I question and grip the blanket.

"You look like ET." He laughs and turns me around so I can see myself in the bathroom mirror.

I laugh and my reflection laughs with me.

"ET, phone home," I say and walk out of the bathroom, dropping the blanket, and into a small sitting area, leaving Justin's laughing self behind.

"What's all the noise about?" Mel asks as she walks around the corner and leans on a black piano that's placed in the room.

"ET likes to steal blankets," Justin jokes as he takes a seat next to me on a very comfortable white sofa.

"You guys are just so... Strange." Mel says and walks out.

"Thank you!" Justin and I shout in unison. We both glare at each other and laugh.


"Hurry up, Mel!" I yell impatiently. Justin and I are waiting at the front door. It's been hours since we woke up and it's around three thirty. We came to the conclusion we were going to pick up Jaden and go bowling. Mel was more then excited but she's not really showing it since we've been standing her for five minutes waiting for her.

"I'm ready! I'm ready!" She yells and runs past us, out the door and into the car.

"Alright, Spongebob." Justin says and locks up the house.

"What's with you and nicknames lately?" I joke and he does nothing but smile at me. We get into the car and Justin drives off.

About five minutes later we get stopped at a red light and Justin sighs deeply.

"Justin," Mel's voice says from the backseat. Justin looks at her through the rear view mirror. "Look," she says and points to a car next to us.

There's a man seated in it with a rather large camera snapping away pictures like his life depended on it.

"Why don't you get a life." Justin snaps and I can hear clear anger radiating from his voice.

"I'd rather find out what's happening in yours," the man with the camera states and Justin's face gets completely red.

"That's pathetic." I say and look over at the man.

"And who are you?" He asks with an evil smirk and I look over at Justin. The last time a similar question was asked Justin plainly stated I was a friend, but now he bravely opens his mouth and says, "My girlfriend."

The light turns green and Justin speeds off.

"I fucking hate paparazzi." Justin spats and that's the only thing he says until we get to Jadens house.

"Hey bro," Justin says as Jaden climbs in the car. I don't look but I can hear him kiss Mel's cheek before we drive away.

"Hey guys." Jaden says and I turn around and smile at him.

"Ready to lose?" I ask him and raise an eyebrow. Mel laughs as I turn back around in my seat and grab Justin's hand that was just resting on his leg.

"The question is, are you?" Jaden asks and I just giggle.

We arrive at the bowling alley and all four of us climb out of the car.

"You alright, babe?" I ask and grab Justin's hand once again and intertwine our fingers.

"Yeah," he says and flashes a smile at me.

We walk in and I swear the whole place stops and stares at us. Justin and Jaden walk up to the counter like they don't even notice and my sister and I exchange glances.

"I feel like I'm in one of those dreams where I'm at school naked." Mel whispers and I laugh a little to loud.

"What size do you two wear?" Justin asks us.

"We both wear a Five and a half." I say and sling an arm around Mel's shoulder which she shrugs off almost immediately.

Once we get our shoes we head to our proper lane and take a seat.

"What kind of ball do you need?" Justin asks me as I finish lacing up my shoes.

"I don't know..." I answer honestly and Justin chuckles. "I'll find you one." He walks off with Jaden and Mel.

"You're all leaving me?" I ask faking pain and Mel turns and nods her head then spins around again and walks to the other side of the place with the boys.

"Hey," I hear a small voice say and I look behind me to see a girl with fair skin and flowing blonde hair.

"Hey." I say back and smile at her.

"You know Justin?" She asks with a small voice. Her blue eyes are blinking at me innocently.

"Sadly, yes." I joke and she smiles.

"Paige. My name is Paige." She says and holds out a hand for me to shake.

"Sam," I say and shake her hand.

"Speaking of Justin, here he comes." I gesture behind her and her blue eyes widen.

"What do I say to him?" She asks frantically and I laugh. I shrug and she smooths down her blue dress and combs through her hair.

"Who's this beautiful girl?" Justin asks as he winks at me then brings his attention upon Paige.

"I love you so much," Paige says as she hugs him around the waist and sobs.

"I love you too." He says and hugs her back. After a few moments she lets go and hugs me next, then Jaden.

"Thank you," she says to Justin and wipes at her tears.

"Thank you for believing." Justin says and winks at her. She laughs before saying she's sorry for interrupting and walks away.

"She didn't even hug you!" Jaden says laughing at Mel.

"Shut up," My sister snaps and punches Jaden lightly in the arm. "Let's play."


-not edited- oops. #sorrynotsorry

Dedication goes too @pdd2008 because she won the contest thingy. But, I also feel quite bad that so many people entered and I didn't pick them so.. Watch out, because your name just might pop up in the story (; Thank you all for the 10.2K reads. It means so much !!

Please comment what YOU want to happen in the story and tell me what you think so far. xx Also tell me who your favorite character is. (Comments are motivation so leave one)

30+ votes? I think YES! xx

-Kayleigh xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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