1 - halloween

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"are you girls ready or what?" Jake said as he slump down on the bean bag. He then fished out his phone to scroll through his socials. The two girls were busy doing their make up and putting on their outfits. "are we surprised that we're late, it's not the first time" Jay replied, he was on his phone too.

"shut up, i have my reasons" Jieun said as she applied another layer of her rose lip gloss. "yea she's right, daddy chill." Seolla who was next to Jieun added as she was putting on some fake eyelashes.

"besides, what's the point of going early? the party's always awkward at the beginning it only gets good halfway in" Jieun said.

She smirked and closed the tube of lip gloss. "How do I look?" Jieun posed at the door frame, she was dressed in a sexy white lingerie with red wings and a boy and arrow. The good old classic cupid but just sexier.

The two male just shook their head. "isn't that lingerie? do you want all guys to hog all over you?" Jay raised a brow. "yea but it's Halloween, and in girl world, Halloween is the one night of the year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it" Jieun smirked. "So I'll ask again, how do i look?"

"gorgeous" "beautiful" "stunning" "sexy" "milf material" the two commented with a nonchalant tone. "wow, at least have so emotion to it" Jieun rolled her eyes.

"what about me? how do i look?" Seolla stepped out of the bathroom. Seolla was dressed up as tinkerbell. She had on a green bodycon dress and some fake wings.

"you look amazing baby" Jieun smiled. "thank you!"

"what are you guys dressing up as?" Seolla asked as she gave the boys a judgy look. "I'm a vampire and he's playing joker" Jake answered.

Jay wore a long purple coat and had sprayed on some green paint on his hair. while Jake wore fake fangs and had fake blood all over his mouth.

"good luck washing all of these off" Jieun said as she played with Jay's hair.

"can we go now?" Jake said and stood up from his seat. "who's driving?" Seolla asked and everyone turned their heads to Jake. "Fine." He said and rolled his eyes.


It was Halloween. and just like every year, the 4 would hit the club at downtown Seoul near their campus for an annual Halloween party.

Jieun had met Seolla on the first day of uni and decided to adopt her because she was too cute and innocent to be ruined by the weird geeks in campus. The two were design majors and since most of the art and design schools had classes together that was how they met Jay and Jake, the architect students.

At first, it was all nice cafes and cute meetups then they began clubbing and drinking together. After once comes a second and third and many more. The four grew closer and now they're inseparable. Their antics and midnight shenanigans were all so similar but yet different at the same time that they completed each other.

Jieun was the basic bad bitch and mom of the group. Seolla was the 'looks like a cinnamon roll but once you know her it's a whole 180' kinda girl. Jay was the bad boy playboy kinda boy who would never be your boy. and Jake was the driver.


"oh my gosh there's so many people here!" Jieun gasped as they pulled up at the parking lot. "Why are you surprised, you're the one who made us late" Jake retorted with a laugh and to that Jieun just rolled her eyes in response.

The 4 stepped into the club and loud music were banging everywhere to the point you could feel the walls vibrate. People were dancing on the dance floor. Some were drinking having a good time and some already got wasted.

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