4 - official

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"Bella, where the hell have you been loca?" Jay said as she saw Jieun making her way towards their table. "Don't use that on me" She glared. "Bet she got railed by Mark," Jake teased,

"You guys know me so well" She mocked. "So how was it?" Jay teased. "It was amazing, OH MY GOD! you guys should see his face!! he's so handsome and hot when he-" "Jesus fucking christ keep it to yourself woman!" Jake laughed and cut her off.

"Where's Seolla?" Jieun asked since it was just the three of them. "She left with Haechan, She came by just now when you were getting railed" Jay teased. "We should leave soon too, we have classes tomorrow" Jake added.

Jieun checked her phone, it was currently 2:07 am. and she has a 8am class on a Monday. FML

"God" She rolled her eyes. "Okay let's go" She said and they all left the club.


"So, how was it?" Jeno wiggled his brows as Mark sat down next to them. "It was okay..." Mark shrugged. "Okay? now you got me curious bro" Jeno laughed and Mark sent a death glare.

"Chill, i know the rules!" Jeno laughed at Mark's reaction

That was a rule among the boys themselves. Which is if one slept with a girl, the others can't sleep with her. It's like a competition, collecting bodies around the campus, and see who has the highest body count.

Obviously, Mark doesn't care about this stupid rule. But for some reason, he just doesn't want the others to know how Jieun is in bed. Man's doesn't like sharing.

"We should go, we have statistics tomorrow" Jaehyun said and stood up and the other two followed along


That night Mark laid in bed recalling what the Jieun had said to him in the restroom.

"it would be fun in the beginning knowing that your partner is similar to you in many ways, but that's that. and one day you'll realise that you both have the same flaws and there's nothing you can do about"

"take this for example. You and your partner are similar in all most possible ways. whatever you know, she does too. and whatever you hate she hates it too. but what happens when there's conflict. if you don't know what to do, she does not too."

"I feel that in a relationship you should constantly learn and understand from each other, instead of just having good times"

Is possible that a girl he just met 5 hours ago, had entirely explained why his relationship with his ex had failed?

When Mark and his ex, Byeol broke up. He thought it would be the end of the world when Byeol had to fly to Canada to pursue her studies. But to his dismay, he actually did fine. Sure he had missed her a few times here and there. But never really cried for more than 3 days.

Byeol and Mark were childhood friends. Whatever he did, she'd tag along. Wherever he went, she'd followed. They attended the same elementary school and started dating at the last years of high school.

She was the exact copy of him. The female version of himself. Maybe that was the problem. They never had fights, they never argue, they never had any conflict because they'd think the same all the time.

Looking back at it, it made Mark realised there was never any spark or moments were he would feel bliss when he was with her. of course, there were good times where they'd had picnics by the lake or when they shared their first kiss.

But nothing really sparked to him that made a change. Maybe Mark had only seen her as a bestfriend and nothing more.

"Park Jieun, you are one heck of a interesting girl" Mark muttered to himself before drifting to sleep.

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