more than ever

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"Are you ready babe?" The male yelled. His voice echoed through their shared apartment. 

"10 more minutes! wait give me 15!" She returned the same tone. "We're gonna be late!" He said and broke out a laugh, "Honestly when were we ever on time or even early?" He chuckled at his own words. 

The male made his way to the powder room. Leaning against the frame, folding his arms, checking his girlfriend out. 

"I know that look," She said as she made eye contact with him through the reflection of him in the mirror. "What?" Mark raised his brow. "You're giving me that look again, the one where you're slightly disappointed but you don't wanna say it to my face!" She pouts and it made him smile. 

"No one said I was disappointed," He said as walked closer to her, fixing his suit as he goes. "I just thought maybe you'd be a little more on time this time since it's our third anniversary" He forced a smile, "That's all" 

"I hate you" She frowned a little at his comment. "I know," He chuckled at how adorable she was. "I knew that since we were friends" 

Noticing his tone, Jieun frantically checked her phone as she tried her best to not ruin the night.  "Okay, but like we're not THAT late," She smiled at him, making sure she give him her best puppy eyes, "I booked it for 7:30 and now it's 6:49 we can still practically make it on time you know!" 

Her words only made him burst out a laughter. Things haven't really changed much in the past three years. Her constantly being late and making up with the cutest excuse, him being patient and buying her excuse every time because he just can't stay mad at her. He's forever waiting on her. Forever. 

To even say that it's been three years sounds insane. It felt like it was just yesterday when the two had confessed their love for each other. Mark can still recall clearly as the two celebrated their first month anniversary. Unfortunately, Jieun had forgotten about it but Mark made it clear that they had to celebrate. Oddly enough it didn't even feel like a one-month anniversary, considering they've been doing things that were way before they've become official. 

I guess what matters most was the label and title they were under after coming to terms with their feelings for each other. Jieun is stubborn and hard-headed, we all know that, and Mark knows it best. Her ego is out of this world and it definitely took Mark a while for him to break down those walls. 

To get her to say 'I love you', To get her to introduce him as his boyfriend and to even introduce him to her family. Mark has done it all, one by one. It was hard, but it doesn't mean she didn't love him. Mark knew that. 

Though Jieun might be bad with words, her actions show it all. Her ears turning red whenever he buys her flowers or when he does something sweet. Her secret post-it notes on his textbooks whenever he has a test or exams. He knows she loves him. The girl just needed some help. He was, after all, her first love. And he plans to be her last. 

Three years definitely went by in a blink of an eye. But nevertheless, it was the best three years of his life and he would tell her that every day. 

"Are you mad at me?" She mumbled softly after noticing how quiet he was. 

"Yes," He said trying to sound stern. Mark moved closer as he folded his arms. "I am mad, so I deserve a kiss to calm me down" 

Upon hearing his words, Jieun just rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror. "God! Stop messing with me, now we're for real gonna be late!" She huffed and continues to do her make-up. 

"Not even a smooch on the cheek?" Mark chimed in as he placed both of his hands on her hips. Pulling himself closer to her, taking in her perfume. Carolina Herrera Good Girl. The perfume he had bought her for valentines. The scent of hers made him smirk in victory. 

Jieun shooked her head at his request. "What about a kiss on your cheek?" Mark tries to shoot another shot, "No Mark, you know the rules! No kissing after I do my make-up!" Jieun exclaimed and she was very serious about it. 

Her response only made him chuckle, "Fine, hurry up! I'll call the cab now!" Mark said as he stood next to her, leaning against the vanity. The boy then took out his phone to book a cab, while his girlfriend did her make-up. 

"Why did we even decide on a Thursday anyway? I can't believe I'm gonna miss out on the newest episode of boys planet" she complained to her boyfriend. 

"We can always watch it together tonight once we come back from the dinner, though I doubt you'd be able to since you're gonna be screaming my name" He smirked as the dirty thoughts of his girlfriend run through his head. 

"Keep your dick in your pants thank you!" She hissed, "Ooh! I almost forgot to vote today!" She said as she picked up her phone and opened the app. 

"Who are you voting for today?" He asked peeking through her phone. "Sung Hanbin, Zhanghao and Matthew!" She smiled at the thought of these singing and dancing men. 

"Oh, did you know! Matthew is from Canada! He's just like you!" She smiled brightly as she showed him a picture of him. "I know I know, you said that every time he appeared on the screen!" Mark scowled, totally not jealous. This time his reaction made her chuckle, "Look at you getting all jealous!" Mark stayed quiet. 

"Come on! The cab is on its way!" He said trying to change the topic. His hands made their way to give her butt a little slap. "You know I'm not gonna date these superstars, heck they don't even know I exist okay?" She smiled at him but Mark only nodded his head. 

Not very happy with his response, Jieun leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Anniversary" She cooed, and that was enough to make him melt on the spot. 

Mark perked up from his stance, immediately pulling her in for a hug. "You know what maybe we should stay in" Jieun laughed at his sudden action. 

"I love you." Mark said with no hesitation. Jieun chuckled at how cute he was acting, all because she gave him a silly little kiss on his cheek. "How long are you gonna love me for?" She joked as her palms rubs circles on his back. Cooing him like a baby. 

"Forever" Mark replied. "Forever?" She questioned. 

"More than ever." 

A very big thank you for 100k views on this story <3. Never would I thought I'd reach this milestone. You have no idea how much it means to me and I really really appreciate each and everyone one of you who voted and commented! 

Here's a bonus chapter of the two! Words can't describe how thankful I am, 100k is insane! 

Unfortunately there won't be much updates from now on as I am busy with my studies <3 

Love and appreciate each and everyone one of you out there! <3 


Thank you so much! 

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