21 - the confrontation

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"We need to leave, now!" Jieun said as she approached Jake, giving him a tap on his shoulder. Her voice was stern, emphasizing the word now. It was almost like a command.

Jake immediately turned around hearing her voice, "What happened? Is something wrong?" He asked,

"More like someone," Jieun croaked, her voice fighting back her tears. Jake looked at her, but her eyes looked over his shoulders. She was looking elsewhere.

Jake took the hint, his eyes followed Jieun's direction. Only to see Mark standing by the stairs with a worried expression. He looks like he was hesitating to walk over.

Nodding his head, Jake immediately understood the situation. And seeing her best friend in such a distraught shape, he had to do something.

"Alright, let's go. I'll tell the others that we're leaving first" He said softly grabbing Jieun's shoulder, leading her out of the party.


The car ride was hell. Jake kept quiet the whole time, while Jieun cried her way home.

She didn't know why she was crying so hard. Probably overwhelmed by the things Mark had said. It confused her. Her emotions are now all tangled up.

One moment he looks like he's in love with Byeol, and the next moment he comes telling her that he needed her.

Maybe Jieun was right, he was drunk. His face says it all.

The two reach Jieun's apartment in no time. Jake offered to walk Jieun up to her place, seeing how shattered she was, that's the least he could do.

In return, Jieun offered him tea to sober up from all the hardcore partying.

"Sorry if I ruined your night Jake" Jieun said as she placed the cup of tea in front of him.

She sat across him on the sofa, her face still as upset as ever. Her cheeks were wet from crying on her way home while she was in the car.

Her body feeling hot from the tension and dehydration. Just another one of those phases..

"Don't worry about it Eun, the party sucks not gonna lie" He joked trying to make her feel better, and it did Jieun broke out a small chuckle.

"Besides we're best friends! it's the least I could do!" He smiled at her and Jieun gave him a little nod, a sign of appreciation.

Seeing her smile Jake decided to add another, "Remember when one of those Senior bullied me during football qualifications? You came right immediately and kick him in the balls!" He said, recalling one of their memories from freshmen years.

Hearing that story every time makes her smile. "Now we're even!" He grinned.

Then the atmosphere went calm again.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, breaking the silence. He didn't want to flip her off, and he knows how scary it can be if Jieun is mad, but all in all, he was worried for his friend.

Jieun kept quiet again.

Taking it as a sign, "it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it-"

"I think I like him, like I like like him... what do I do Jake?" She looked over to him with a stoic expression but Jake could only chuckle.

"so you finally admit it huh? took you long enough!" He continues to laugh. "Hey, it's not funny ... I was literally crying a few minutes ago..." Jieun hit him on the shoulder.

Bestfriends just can't seem to take anything serious huh?

"God, you're literally the dumbest person ever Park Jieun... it's so obvious that Mark likes you too" Jake commented.

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