Mystery Text For Jay..?

222 7 3

Unknown Number

??? - I love you! I hope you enjoy the surprises!

Me - I hope you enjoy your prizes too. I wish I could see you, but I'm with Jungwonie and the others on a trip for the next 2 days...

??? - Its ok! Just know that I love you ok! I gtg my mom is calling me.

Me - love you too! Have fun at dinner.

??? Is offline

Author's POV: (re-cap)
Jungwon was watching his show as he got up to go to the bathroom. He seen his boyfriend's phone. He thought for a bit if he should go through it, he picks it up, puts in the pin, and starts scrolling. He comes across a mysterious person Jay is texting named Ji-Deon
(pronounced : G D on)
He sat the phone down and stormed off to the bathroom so he can come back and finish his episode.

Jungwon's POV:

I'm sitting here wondering what I should do about this whole mystery person. I shouldnt have gone through his phone in the first place, but who could this Ji-Deon girl or guy be? Anyways, I'll ask Jay about it later, so for now I'll just go for another long shower.

"Jungwonie where are you?! I have a surprise!" I heard outside. I pull on my clothes and step out to see that Sunghoon is sitting on my bed, but he seems to be as red as a firetruck.

"Sunghoon hyung what's wrong? Are you running a temperature?!" I asked checking his head. He sat me down and looked me in my eyes like something important was going on.

"I'm dating Jake!" He says seriously. I try not to freak out and breath deeply. I asked him only one question.

"Top or bottom?" I asked. He turned even more red and looked offended.

"Of course I'm top you asshole!" He yelled. I cover his mouth since its 2 am and we're the only cabin that all the people are awake in. We sat there and talked about it like a couple of girls talking about their crushes.

"JUNGWONIE HELP!! AHHH" I heard them yell. I assumed it was sunoo since he has the most high pitched scream, then again it sounded like two so hobi and sunoo got into something. I ran down the stairs and saw half the kitchen on fire because of some burnt ramen.

"WHAT THE HELL?! EVERYONE OUTSIDE NOW THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" I yelled. Everyone was outside while me and Hobi tried to put out the fire. The fire spread through out the cabin and trapped me inside. I heard faint yelling as everything went black. Then I passed out. All I remember was small yells hollering for me to wake up.

Jay's POV:

"WHERE IS JUNGWON?! HE HAS TO BE IN THERE, HOBI IS THERE TOO!" I yelled. I run inside and try to find the ones who tried saving us. I get to hobi first, but Jungwon was surrounded by fire. I take the fire extinguisher and start spraying the fire around the house. I'm afraid it was to late. I yell for the others to call an ambulance and feel myself start to cry. I not only, probably lost my boyfriend, but one of the BTS members. I felt so bad for making ramen and just leaving it there without turning the stove off.

We're in the back of the ambulance on our way to the hospital. It's been 4 hours and still no sign of the doctor. Hobi is ok though, that's good, but I dont want to loose my boyfriend.

"WE NEED MORE DOCTORS IN ROOM 639, PLEASE HURRY!!!" The nurse yelled. Half the staff that was free dropped what they're doing and ran to the room. Jungwon's room was room 639.

Doctor Ramirez's POV:

This kid has been on the table for hours now. He took a hit to the head when he fell trying to save everyone, hes brave but in trouble.

"Get me some stitches! We also need to keep his heart from stopping, he somehow has a hole right where a part of his heart could collapse and kill him." I said. I tried to stay calm and stitch his head up. Suddenly I heard the nurses causing alot of ruckus, then I look up to the heart monitor. I put my tools down and watch as others start crying.

"Time of death, 4:27 am."

{Edited -ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ}

{Edited Again -ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ}

The Class Trip {A Jaywon FanFic} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now