Life is Ok 🩹

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Sunoo's POV:

            I woke up in a white room. The lights were bright, and I still felt dizzy. I opened my eyes more, feeling my head ache, and the uncomfortable line going up my side. I tried sitting up but a sharp pain went down my side. I got off my bed and looked around, where am I? Am I dead? I heard a faint talking and turned to a large screen infront of me. The doctor was talking to Mr. Taehyun and Jungwon.

           "He's in a coma, he was injured so bad he passed out. Luckily, the small amount of salt in the lake helped his scar and it should heal to be almost invisible. He has 2 broken ribs from what we could tell." He explains "We stitched him up and he should be all good with 95% chance of living. I'll be going now, have a nice evening." The doctor left and shut the door behind him. Am I in my mind? I can't wait to wake up and see my friends. Why does so much happened to us? Life threatening events is gonna be an every day thing for this friend group. Giving very much Wattpad vibes. Atleast my Life is Ok!

Sunghoon's POV:

                 As we hear the news about Sunoo, Jake has been worried for the past 30 minutes.

          "I just got off the phone with Heeseung, everyone is fine, Sunoo is in a coma with 2 broken ribs and 95% chance of living. Nothing is wrong. Are we gonna stop crying and go to the movies? Or ice cream first?" I say, trying to cal. Jake down. His best friend is in the hospital I get it, but he's ok!

          "I don't even want to see a movie, can we just hang out instead? Like go sit on the pier and talk? If you wanna see a movie it's ok, I just don't think I'm gonna stay awake." He said giggling. I nodded as we got up and head to the pier. On our way to the benches I felt a slight nudge and look to see Jake's finger wrap around mine. I move my bangs to the other hand and hold his hand fully which makes him slow down. I look back at him with the look asking what's wrong.

          "Sorry, I didn't expect to hold hands, this crowds huge." He said quickly. I gave him. A reassuring smile and we continued to walk to the benches.

            Sitting here for a bit gave us alot to talk about. We talked about getting Sunoo a gift for when he wakes up, what we were doing in the future, and small things. Only thing that interested me was the subject of a perfect date. The stereotypical park and ice cream or a movie wasn't our exact fit although we would've seen a movie before this. I felt myself start daydreaming as I listening to his dreams. He calms my nerves more than others like Ni-ki or Heeseung. Don't get me wrong I love my friends, but it's alot when they both yell at you over food. Jake noticed my staring and our conversation kinda ended when we made eye contact. I could feel my cheeks and my ears start to burn as the staring became longer. Jake started leaning forward and jumped up really fast. The sudden action surprised me when he pulled me behind the booths and his lips connected to mine. I felt him come closer as I tried to breathe. I'm struggling here let me breathe babe! We stop and hug for a while as we continued our date we finished our plans and finally decided to go see that movie we put off earlier. I love this boy, I'm glad he's mine now.

Jungwon's POV:

                  Watching as my friends wreck the train car we sit and wait for sun down so we can announce ANOTHER extension on our trip. First, we had a week, then it was 2 weeks, now their excusing us to stay as long as we want until school starts. Which gives us literally 2 entire months and the rest of June (we go back in September, don't ask how that works) and have until September 8th we can stay here. So everyone won't be as sad as other graduating this year. We go back for graduation (choice, or they mail it to you) and then come back if wanted. Our life is complicated rn with so many plans. I'm just waiting for everyone to stop yelling and calm down.

          "OK EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN!" Jay yelled. He must've seen me get frustrated because he come and sat next to me under the large umbrella. As the assembly speach went on, it ended smoothly. We all left and went to the Main Building. The 2nd Secretary of Student Council, BangChan, calmed everyone down. He chose to redo a few classes of high school and it took everyone a while to find out he's older than us. As he round up the kids I make sure my voice is ready so I don't have a voice crack like last time.

          "OK is everyone ready?! We need to get this over with cause I'm tired!" Everyone laughed as I explained a few more details. As long as we follow rules then we don't have to worry about anything with dress code. I get ready and step out on stage. As the students cheer I quiet them and start the meet.

       "OK as you all know we have been here longer than we have expected. Concluding our years as high schoolers we will be staying until Summer is over!" I started explaining. The room roared with cheers from students as I continued. "The school board has made it clear its ok if you leave, if you stay you also will not have follow the rules including; dress code, language barrier, certain hair lengths for the girls and no longer short hair for the men if they choose, you will be allowed to do anything just dont cause the place to kick us out or burn the place down. The principle wishes us all a good summer and in a few days our diplomas will be sent through mail for those who stayed Have a good rest of summer break. Goodbye students" I said, finishing the letter from the principle. Everyone complained how they would sue for making them cry and they all dispersed into their activities. I went in the back and cried thinking about how much I'm going to miss my teachers, student council friends, everyone in that school. I hope they know i love them. ❤

HELLO FRIENDS! I wrote today to honor my last day of school (8th grade) and I'd like to say I bawled my eyes out. Everyone left with hugs and we left our best year. As a student of '26 graduates I want to say I will miss everyone. I hope you all have an amazing summer. Goodbye!


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