Lock down, Police Called

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Ni-ki's POV:

              Knowing my luck I locked myself in the bathroom. This bathroom has a secret door where you can hide in the walls which no one knows about. I get in the walls and hide in the huge space behind the closet of Heeseung's room and Jake's room. I'm sitting here with my battery pack and everything from last time since I hide here when I argue with others and it isn't solved by Jungwon or I just need quiet. I'm sitting here in the wall waiting for them to tell me that the lock down is over. I'm probably gonna be here for a while, might as well get comfortable.

Sheriff's POV:

                One of the most dangerous teenagers we've recently arrested has gotten loose and most likely went back for her past/next victim. I'm speeding down the road telling them to go into lock down and lock windows, doors, ect. 

              "Is that her?! Get her guys!" I yell. I passed her on the side of the road over the small bank near the woods.

            "PLEASE LET ME GO! I WANT TO CHANGE!!" The  girl yelled. She had a huge gash on her head which was bleeding. She was limping on her left leg which looked broken or fractured, and she was holding her arm too. I slowed her down and called everyone else on my team off while I take care of her.

              "Please d-don't hurt me! I will change please I want to apologize to Ni-ki and Sunoo and Jungwon and Jay and the rest of them! I wont do it again I promise please please please let me go!!" She had begged. I tripped backwards over a rock and fell backwards down the hill, making her pass out. I ran down to her and called for an ambulance.

          "We need an ambulance here now! Shes bleeding a lot, so do not be more than 15 minutes late or I will fire you!" I told them. I picked her up and tried carrying her back up the small hill. On the way up i thought to myself, what if she did change? I went to my car and laid her in the backseat. The others had 9 minutes to get here or they would be out job searching at this time tomorrow.

Jungwon's Pov:

                 I'm hearing sirens all over the place and it's kinda freaking me out. One sounded really close, but since were all inside and everything to get it is locked I feel a bit more safe. I just dont know what to do cause I'm hella bored. I get up as u was laying between my brother and Jungkook and head out into the basement's living area. I sat down and grabbed me a soju and started drinking. I'm only having one since I already have a headache.

      "Jungwonie...?" I heard behind me. I turn and seen Jay behind me. Before I turned back around he stopped my chair and hugged me. I sat there not wanting to show him my soft side but it wasnt working. I hugged him back and we sat there for a while. I soon felt Jay crying on my shoulder.

       "If you cry I'm gonna hurt you, you know I cry when others do Jay-hyung..." I said. We both laughed and went over to the couch and cuddled until we started dozing off.

Ni-ki's POV:

            I woke up in my hiding place with Sunoo in my arms. I get up and crawl out hopeful I dont wake him up.

    "Ni-ki? Are you awake now?" Sunoo asked.

        "Yes Ddeonu I'm awake. Want to see if Heesung will make us some food?" I asked. He got up and nodded and we crawled out of our hole.

     "Heeseung-hyung!!" Sunoo yelled. Everyone who was downstairs looked at us from the top of the stairs as Heeseung came up.

        "Why do you have to yell Sunoo we were right down stairs?" He asked.

           "Will you make us some food please?~" Sunoo pleaded. Heeseung gave in and decided to make us all some tteokbokki.

           After a while hyung calls us down for dinner although its 12 am and all the drama that's happened is over flowing our brains, we really dont care.

Jimin's POV:

                       I wake up after a while and smell the food the boys are making, I sit up and look over to see Yoongi next to me without a blanket. I havent seen him so calm besides when hes alseep if I'm being completely honest. He wakes up a little and pulls me back down and dozes off. He only did this with Jk before we debuted, so why is he doing it now. I try to slide out of his grip but somehow it's to tight.

      "Yoongi let me go please...Hello?" I said. He groaned and squeezed tighter and I just kept trying to wake him up.

          "Suga let me go please. I want some food! If you dont let me go I'm going to push you off the bed!" No response. I started pushing him off the bed. The next thing I knew he was on top of me, pinning my arms to the bed.

            "Please! Just a few more minutes!" He said tearing up. My heart broke, I've never seen him cry before unless we were at an award show. I felt myself turn red as we stared into eachother eyes. Yoongi slowly realized what he was doing and got up and turned around. I sat up and stared at him like I had just seen a ghost.

         "I'm sorry, I never should've done that. I dont what came over me I just thought that...nevermind. just forget it." He said. He sounded like he was holding back tears again. I got up and sat beside him. He wouldnt look at me again. I sat in front of him and wipes his tears, which was when he finally looked at me.

        "Yoongi why are you crying? Is some thing wro-" I started. I stopped as I felt my lips connect with anothers. Yoongi kissed me. I got up and laid his back down on the bed. I kissed back and wiped his tears again.  Maybe I do like yoongi.

Finally updated my story! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter that was being written for centuries. Just let me know if you like it or not. If you enjoyed dont forget to vote! Bye Simps!     

           ~ ❦︎ Rylie❦︎

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