Silence 🤫

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Jungwon's POV:

On the way home everyone was dead silent. The Uber driver tried playing music but Sunoo turned it off. I told the others what had happened through text and they know to leave Sunoo alone for a bit.

"Hey Sunoo hyung, do you want anything to eat? I was thinking we could get kimchi or something?" Ni-ki suggested. Sunoo faintly nodded since he was exhausted from crying. The Uber pulled into a restaurant and waited as we went in too eat. Sunoo measly ate anything while Ni-ki was having his 2nd helping of bibimbap. As we all finished we got our to go boxes and went back to the cabin. I tried asking Sunoo some questions like 'why did you storm out like that' but I knew it wasn't his fault so I stayed quiet. After all I could risk making him more mad and risk another argument.

"I'm going to the dock anyone wanna come?" Sunoo asked coming downstairs. His mood completely changed from earlier so we ignored it and went to change.

"Hurry up Jay your wasting our time!!!" Ni-ki yells. Everyone comes down and grabs food for the grill and we head out. Sunghoon and Jake decided to go out today since their 2 years anniversary of their friendship is tomorrow. It's nicer today now that everyone is in a good mood. Hopefully it stays this way.

Jimin's POV:

I sit here in the dark room as i listen to the others outside. I still don't understand why I'm feeling like this. I knew Jk liked Tae and the other way around. I was their inside man on both sides, but it hurts now. I'll try and ignore my feelings and get up for the SOOP episode since they're filming.

"FILMING IS IN 10 FOR BANGTAN YOU GUYS BE READY !" The staff said. I wiped my tears and tidied my shirt going out into the lounge. Hopefully today is a good day!

Sunghoon's POV:

Today is the day he knows how I feel. You see, I've liked Jake since we started hanging out and it's been torture watching him have crushes and rejections. I tidy up since today we became friends exactly 2 years ago tomorrow.

"Jake hurry up the others left and the restaurant is gonna cancel our reservations! Your know it takes a while to get there!" I yelled. We would leave with an hour to spare and run around the town for a bit until we go out to Jungsik Seoul, which is really expensive in my opinion. But if it's for Jake I don't care. I'm going to "propose" to him, so I don't lose him. It may seem weird. But it's only a ring to represent our relationship.

"OK Hoon I'm ready! Let's go!" I heard behind me. We walked outside and through the short trail to the Uber. I open the door for him as he gives me a suspensious look and gets in. I run around and get it as I felt a bit flustered.

"So what are we doing first? We can go to the gift shops or see a movie. We have 2 hours left." Jake says. I must have thought wrong or something, our reservations are 7 and it's 5 o'clock now no I must have read the times wrong. Anyways, I'm sitting here wondering how I don't freak out since he's kind of on my lap and our limbs are tangled. We've always been the type too cuddle in close situations but this time I'm feeling more for him. I felt myself get hot so I just lay my head on his shoulder and rest for a bit, waiting on our trip to end.

As I slowly wake up I hear Jake talking to the Uber driver. They seem to be getting along, and they're bonding over music. I felt a bit jealous although we barley know this person, so I just stay quiet.

Jake's POV:

Sitting here with a sleeping Sunghoon on my shoulder, the driver starts music and it's one of my new songs by Lizzo, About Damn Time (STREAM, ITS AWESOME).

"Oh my God I love this song!" He said.

"Me too! She's one of my favorite western artists!" I say soon after. The driver paused the music and I talked with him for a bit about music and it turns out we have the same taste. After a bit I felt Sunghoon wake up and rub his eyes. He put his arms around my waist hugging me and then seemed to get mad, all I know is he pulled me closer. I love when he does that in the middle of us cuddling. He's like a baby polar bear!

Anyways, being in the car for a while I get the number of Dongpyo, the driver, and fix my position with Sunghoon. I wake him up and tell him to gather our things because it's almost time to go. Hopefully this goes well, I really like him.

Sunoo's POV:

As I sit and listen to the conversation I felt the need to do something. I get up and push Ni-ki into the water, not knowing what was gonna happen next. I felt the boards under me collapse from under me puncturing part of my side. I felt my body loose blood, and I felt someone pull me out of the water. Everything went black as I assume my ribs broke, with all of my strength I try to breathe but it hurts. Hopefully I don't die, I have to much to live for. I never learned to love myself for who I truly am. I never told Ni-ki or the guys goodbye, and I love them. I don't want it to end this way. Please! Please!

"Help me!"

The Class Trip {A Jaywon FanFic} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now