Hospital Visit 💉

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Madeleine POV:

Sitting in this hospital bed is so boring. While I'm thinking about all the horrible shit I've done I felt myself get light headed. I decide to ignore it and play games on the T.V.

*Knock Knock!!*

"Come in!" I said. I clean up my mess thinking it's just the nurse again and I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and saw a sight I would've never though to see. They come to see me. Jungwon, Ni-ki, Sunoo, the 3 people I never thought to see after everything. I felt myself get nauseous, I sat everything on the table and sat up. I started tearing up and Jungwon ran over and spoke to me for the first time.

           "Aww Madeleine dont cry please!" He said. I tried to calm myself down and managed to stop crying. I looked at Ni-ki, who I stabbed, and he come over to me slowly.

           "Hey Maddy, dont STAB me this time ok?" We all chuckled at his joke besides Sunoo. He was staring as if he wanted to unalive me from the look he was giving. I adjusted myself and looked down as I felt myself start to cry again. What people never knew if that i was Sunoo's best friend in middle school. I was the only one who excepted him when he said he was gay. We ran away and our parents eventually came with us and we now live here in Seoul. We got separated after our parents had a feud and we were permitted to talk to each other. I used to love him so much, he was a brother to me, and he promised not to leave. But after we got in a fight the 1st year of high school we fell apart even more. I still dream of our friendship being put together with even more friends who are excepting. I dont think that's going to happen though.

          "Can you explain why I'm here again? I told you guys I dont want anything to do with her anymore!!" Sunoo confessed. I cry harder as Ni-ki comforts me and Jungwon speaks to Sunoo.

          "Just stay here Sunoo. You need to excuse the fights and the stuff between your parents or your never gonna be friends again! You guys were best friends what happened? I dont get why you hate her so much?!" He yells back. The two get in an arguement and I told Ni-ki he could let go. I never wanted this to happen if anyone came here. I dont want to be this person. I want to travel back in time so me and Sunoo are friends again. All this is making me a bit tired.


        Sunoo stopped. Everyone and everything was froze. We were all crying or on the verge of it. Sunoo turns around and rushes into the lobby to calm down. The guys turn too me. What Sunoo told them was true.

         *small flashback, 6th grade*

           "Come on! No one can see us or hear us and we wont get in trouble if were back before dinner!!" Madeleine said. She drags Sunoo and Sunmi through the woods. Sunoo stops in his truck making the others stop with him.

          "We're going to get hurt guys and it's getting late, dinner is soon." He explained.

              "Stop being a scary cat and come on Sunoo!" His sister says. He shook his head and ran back out of the woods to play in the sandbox.

                 "Come on Sunmi, hes just being a sissy. Let's go!" Maddy said dragging her again. They laugh and giggle as they ran through the woods to the train tracks. Theres a cliff on the other side that has a beautiful view. The girls play on the dirt on the train tracks for 5 minutes then go sit on the cliff to watch the sunset.

                "I'm glad I did this. I havent had this much fun since we were kids. Thanks again Maddy." Sunmi says. They stood up and threw rocks over the edge. The girls soon started to mess around pushing eachother. Sunmi went to push Madeleine, but she dodged her.



                   Her best friend

                 Over 300 ft cliff


             The dinner bell rings.

              Maddy ran and ran until she reached her house. Everyone was sitting at the table and she came in out of breathe, covered in dirt, and crying her eyes out.

            "Hunny what's wrong?"her mother asks. She stammered a bit and shook her head at the question.

            "Wait wheres Sunmi? Maddy where did you guys go?" Sunoo asks. Maddy looks up and managed to say a fee weds while h were hard to make out due to her crying. The others couldnt understand her, but Sunoo started tearing up.

   Sunoo slowly made out the words                Cliff, Sunmi, over, and dead.

          "YOU MONSTER!!"Sunoo exclaimed. He ran out the house everyone following. Sunmi catches up and makes it to the edge before everyone. Sunoo came first and looked over slowly. Seeing his sisters body all beat up and bloody. Barely visible to the naked eye. Sunoo gets up and backs up slowly in shock. He sits in the dirt as their parents came running over. Sunmi gets up and hugs her mom mumbling into her chest.


   "Eomma I'm a monster. A monster.

Rushing back home to get the car so they can get down to their daughter Sunoo and his family left. Maddy and her parents sat in their house waiting and waiting for the others to come back. Not knowing they ever will.

             "EOMMA SHE KILLED SUNMI IM NOT GOING BACK IN THERE!!" The others heard. Sunmi burst into tears again as the others came back into the house. The parents argued for hours on end as Maddy tried to apologize to her best friend. Which she was unsure was her friend anymore from what happened.

        "I FREAKING HATE YOU MADDY! I NEVER WANT TO HEAR OR SEE YOU AGAIN!!" Sunoo cried. He pushed her onto the floor causing her to scratch her arm and stormed out of the house. The house went quiet as the Kim family left.

    From then on the families have been in a feud because of the incident. Madeleine became hated everywhere in town and soon moved into the next town over, homeschooled for the rest of her middle school years.

               The family ended up
spending 2 and a half years alone in 
                         the house...

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