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Jimin's POV:

Being the jumpy person I am right now I stood up and walked off like it was normal day and we werent in a vlive. The staff hollered at me and I looked over to the others watching the comments and ready questions about me.

"I'm getting snacks ARMY dont worry!" I hollered. Everyone nodded and the staff left me alone as I went to the kitchen. I sat down on the counter and ate some cereal real fast and grabbed the basket of snacks, heading back to the VLive. I sat the basket down as Tae asked me if I was ok.

"Hey Chim, you ok? You seem really stressed or worried and I want to help." Taehyung asked me. I told him I was fine and he patted my back and went back to reading comments.

Although my feelings arent official with the other member that I like it's kinda of obvious that I'm gay. I've been hiding it since 2nd grade when I vowed to be gay after a girl stole my crayons. All the memories I had with Tae made me tear up. I noticed the room went quiet and the others were staring at me. I wiped my eyes and went to my room, which I share with Yoongi. I sit on the bed and cover my whole body in the closest blanket. The one I covered in just so happened to be the one I wasnt supposed to use since yoongi said not to. I curled up and pulled it closer since I started crying harder. I soon started smelling something like vanilla strawberries and old spice. I didnt know what it was so i uncovered my head and the scent went away. I noticed it was Yoongi's blanket. The smell somehow soothed my nerves and I soon fell asleep.

Yoongi's POV:

The sight of seeing Chimmy cry broke my heart somehow. I know his situation with the whole liking Taehyung, but he never broke down that fast. He would normally start mumbling to himself, then start pacing or tapping his hand or foot on something, and then he'd start mumbling to the point he cant breathe so he takes a deep breath then bursts into tears. I know cause hes been doing it for 2 weeks now. Every night I'd hug him to sleep so he would calm down, but he just ran off today and now hes probably freaking out. I whispered to Joon that I was going to leave early and see if Jimin was ok. He told me to stay with him for a while since the VLive would end in 15 minutes. I walked down the hall and heard crying in our room. When I went closer to the door I heard the sniffs get smaller and smaller soon going quiet.

I softly knocked on the door and waited for an answer. I opened the door and stepped into the dark room and saw my blanket in a different spot than I put it. Yes I got a bit mad since it was my grandmothers who passed away but I just let it go since I have to worry about Jimin right now. I sit down on the bed and whisper to the boy next to me, awaiting an answer.

After a few minutes I stood up and went closer to the bedside and lifted the blanket to see a small puppy curled up asleep.

"Good night Jimin-ssi...I love you with all my heart, why cant you notice that..?" I whispered. I heard knocking and ran to the door and opened it telling them to be quiet. J hope stood on the other side of the door with Jimin's water from earlier and handed it to me. He winked and walked out as a sign he knew what happened. Hobi has knew about the whole "feelings for jimin" thing. I closed the door flustered and went to the bathroom and got ready for bed, hoping tmmr I could try and tell Jimin how I really feel.

Jungwon's POV:

During the whole getting ready thing I sat down and waited another 4 hours doing my hair and getting ready with Heeseung, since we're going to be revealed soon.

"Guys we're gonna have to hold off on the revealing of you all since one member isnt feeling well. Come back after dinner and we will start a VLive and do it. And try not to mess up your hair or make-up please it's only a few hours." Jen-hyun said. She took out her phone after speaking to us and rushed out the room we were in, which was still mine and Jay's, and went down the stairs.i got up and went to the top of the stairs curious of what was going on, which was a bad idea.

"We cant let anyone know that Madeleine got loose. She almost killed Ni-ki and shes probably gonna go after him again!" The main staff member said. Everyone hurried and locked the windows, doors, and closed the curtains and called the office to let them know to be on high alert since she caused pain to many people. I ran back to the room and closed the windows and made sure they were locked and locked the door behind me.

"We NEED to stay in here, Madeleine is loose and shes apparently got a weapon. I heard the staff talking about it and now we need to be on lockdown or super high alert. Felix should be coming back right now since we need to stay in our designated cabins." I started explaining. Ni-ki got up and ran to the bathroom and locked himself in. The past must've gotten to him since he had almost died because of her. Sunoo picked the lock and went inside locking the door back behind him.

"We need to keep them safer than the rest of us if shes after Ni-ki again." Jay explained. I rolled my eyes, although people probably noticed and sat down over in the corner to charge my phone for the night.

"Jungwon what is your problem? You've seemed on edge since breakfast. Are you ok?" Jake said. I rolled my eyes again and put my hood up hoping they'd leave me alone. Then he exploded.

"Oh my God! Stop acting like this! I hate when you dont tell people, especially me, if something is bothering you! You wouldnt be so upset if you actually talked about what's wrong Jungwonie!!" Jay hollered.

"Maybe I dknt want to tell you Jay! Stay out of my fucking business be ause you stay in your all the time and i dont question you but one time!maybe I want to be alone! Maybe I like it quiet for a change! Maybe I saw the fucking text you had with some random stranger saying you love eachother! Just leave me the hell alone ok?!" I yelled. Everyone went dead silent as I stood up and unlocked the bedroom door. I left and went to Taehyung's room forgetting about how thin the walls are. I walk in and he hugs me instantly while mumbling something.

"Dont be upset I know he would never cheat cause he told me the whole thing about his cousin staying with his parents and him just now getting their phone number! And whoever the hell this Madeline chick is jas gotten all of you on edge jungwonie just calm down please!" He was saying. He stopped and breathed ik n deeply as that whole thing took his breathe. He sang down and pulled me into a hug and Jungkook come over and hugged us too. I cried in his arms as I remembered the mean things I said. I then went into the bathroom and locked myself in there for a while until I calmed down.

Aww, Sunoo is sleeping. With Ni-ki, ew. I'll make sure it doesnt happen again.

- Madeleine

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Alot happened in this chapter and I'm sorry I never upload I forgot about wattpad and then started writing this chapter. THEN I got my phone took and now I'm updating since I have until a certain time till I have to give my phone back since its Christmas. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one I'll try and upload before the 3 1/2 hours I have are over. Bye~


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