"Goodbye Everyone..."

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Jungwon's POV:

Everyone was packing or lounging today, some went home the night of the gather, some waited a bit more, most of the others are leaving today since they have school shopping, some have family events, others just wanted to go home. It was just me, my brother and his members, and the rest of my cabin, + Felix and his bf moved Felix into his cabin so they can be together.

"Jungwonie!" I heard yelling, my and the guys looked up and saw the happiest fox running towards us.

"SUNOO HYUNG!" When did you wake up you didn't call or even text us!" I yelled while others gathered to the yelling.

"I woke up a bit ago, but I went home to recover more, which I slept most of that time so I could my energy back. I got a cool scar too. I only let Ni-ki know I was coming back last night, I'm surprised he kept it that long!" Everyone laughed as we agreed Ni-ki is kinda bad at keeping secrets. Ni-ki pouted and Sunoo hugged him while we all went to the Main Hall. Everyone was talking while someone knocked, Jake got up to get it.

"Um, excuse me? I need to speak to Jungwon please, Jake." The girl said. He scoffed and told her he'd be right back and cracked the door.

"Guys, Madeleine is here, she needs to speak to us. I don't trust it." He said, crossing his arms.

"Let her in, I'd like to see her reaction when I said don't accept the lousy apology she has memorized." Sunoo said sipping his drink.

"Sunoo come on, we have to atleast forgive her for something small she's done, she apologized for alot when we visited her at the hospital-"

"You went to see her? Alone?!" Heeseung said whispering loudly. Madeleine was still outside, she probably hears this conversation too.

"I'm gonna let her in now, none of you say anything mean and I'll do the talking for a bit. Just listen to what she has to say, ok?" I ask everyone. Jake sat down and everyone tensed up as I opened the door. Madeleine walked in and stood infront of everyone showing them every corner of her clothes.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone, I'm here to give you news, which you'd probably be happy about." She started. I could tell she was nervous, everyone else was glaring at her, so I glared at yhem and they stopped. She finally mustered up the courage to tell us all what's going on.

"For one, I want to apologize to Sunoo, for what happened when we were little." She explained tearing up. Everyone looked at Sunoo with the same questioning look.

"She sent my sister over a cliff when we were little killing her." He said expressionless. Everyone gasped and looked at Madeleine so she can finish everything, since I looked at them like I was gonna kill them. She quickly wiped her tears and continued.

"I'm sorry to, all of you, for bullying you throughout our 4 years of knowing e/o, I feel horrible, you all really nice people and don't deserve to be bullied. I'm sorry again for stabbing you Ni-ki, I was jealous that Sunoo didn't love me, I understand it was wrong. To everyone, I'm truly sorry for everything I can't remember I'm supposed to apologize for." She said starting to cry again, I went to get up so I can give her a hug, but Jay stopped me. Instead, Ni-ki got up and hugged her.

"I forgive you, I understand you Maddy, I would've stabbed someone for my fox too." He said, Sunoo glanced up and winked at Ni-ki then went back to a blank expression, Ni-ki leaned on the wall and let Madeleine finish.

"And the good news, for you all I guess, I'm no longer goin to be bothering you guys, they're expelling me, taking my collage chances, and after boarding school I'm being sent to prison. That is why I'm here" She finished explaining. Suddenly, Taehyung walked in and asked.

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