2 am: Revealing the others

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Jungwon's POV:

                      We finally get to reveal ourselves since recording starts in 6 hours and we need to be ready for what ARMY and others have to say about us. We all sat down getting out makeup done with everyone in a good mood. Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon are done with the simple makeup part so they're getting in extra sleep before they put on their comfortable clothes since we all went out to the store earlier. I'm a little nervous about this whole thing, like what if they dont like me? What if I cant handle the whole "famous" thing? I guess we're finding out in 15 minutes, we're all getting changed and heading to our spots they put us off camera do we're just walking around and they will introduce us from maknae to hyung (oldest to youngest).

Jimin's POV:

                 "Hello ARMY! Another VLive here and were going to be introducing our other friends before IN THE SOOP starts! Are you ready? Here we go!" Jimin starts he gets up and heads to Ni-ki while reading comments and I spot Sunoo in frame and holler for him to move. After he moved Jimin sat down and showed our youngest friend.

          "Hello everyone! I'm Ni-ki I'm 16 years old and I like to dance!" He said, he watched as the comments filled up with compliments and cute emojis.

"Ni-ki I love you like a bias already!"

"Your so handsome I cant wait for the other guests!!"

"I hope your having a good day! Please make a finger heart if you see this!!"

            Ni-ki started turning red at the compliments and tried to calm down, while that ended Jimin started heading over to me.

            "Now here is one of the more famous people that everyone is wondering about, hopefully you guys love him as much as I do, hes like another brother to me." He spoke, i fixed my hair one last time and got ready as i looked into the camera. All the comments blew up saying stuff like 'omg hes so cute' and some said 'he looks like taehyung's little brother'. So I just said what came to mind.

             " Annyeong! My name is Kim Jungwon and my big brother is Taehyung, I hope you love us!" I said. I did my usual aegyo and let Jimin explain a bit more about me.

The fans exploded with excitement at my aegyo and wouldnt shut up about it

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The fans exploded with excitement at my aegyo and wouldnt shut up about it. I shouldnt have done it.

'HE IS SO CUTE!! 😍😍😍'


And then some where surprised at my looks.

'He looks so familiar! And I cant believe its Taehyungs baby brother!! I'll love him as my own!'

      Jimin got up and introduced everyone else, gave a house tour,(sorry I'm lazy) and gathered us all at the big table and said our last remarks. They chose Heeseung hyung too  close the VLive and he did it like a leader of a group. Everyone went to their own or to their s/o's room. I helped Jimin clean up Ni-ki and Yoongi's madarine orange peels since there was a whole pile of them. I said good night and went to my room for the rest of the 4 hours I havent till the next meeting.

            2 hours later : 5:46 AM

       I woke up to my phone ringing this morning and turned over to see who it was. 'Officer Jihun?' I thought. Why was he calling me so early.

                   On the phone:

O.J : Hello? Jungwon?are you there.

J : Yes sir I'm here, why did you call so early?

O.J : I was calling to make sure you hear first since she was targeting you last time we arrested her. Madeleine is in our custody and in the hospital.  She was roaming around the woods and yelling your names and when I found her she said she wanted to apologize even if you wouldnt forgive her. She is in the hospital on Red-Powel St. near the corner store. I hope you think about visiting her cause we cant talk to her without her crying and asking for you all. I have another case, I will speak to you at the hospital. Visiting hours start at 12 and end at 4. Goodbye!

                   !  Call ended  !

      I woke up Ni-ki and told him and Sunoo everything I just heard. They said they would think about it since their past with them isnt that great. I go back and wake everyone up besides my brother and his members. We got ready and sat down for breakfast so that we could go the the Council Meeting and wherever the others wanted to go for the next 2 hours.

                 Walking out the door everyone was running to their best friends and chatting in person like we just went through a quarantine and no one could go anywhere (ik that feeling). I headed over to the others and sat down the carrot cake I made after breakfast and sat down. After everyone got here I officially started the first meeting.

          "OK EVERYONE LISTEN UP! I have news about Madeleine. Do not get mad at us but since we were all involved me and the principal spoke earlier and decided to let her come back. WITH the accepting she stays in her own room. Which will be the pool deck cabin that has enough room for a bed, and a bathroom." I explained. Everyone started discussing why we were letting her back in until I got a good question.

       "But President, what if Ni-ki gets stabbed again? She was coming for you or Sunoo next cause she said it before she was arrested. Why are we letting her back in?" Chermin (pronounced Chair-Min) asked.she got alot of agreements on her question and I answered with what I knew best.

          "We plan on keeping her atleast 3 feet away from the people in my cabin. There will be restrictions she has like no knives, sharp objects mainly. And not allowed things that can kill someone. We also got someone too look after her. Which should be here momentarily. They specialize in protection which is like a body guard. They also guarded my brother and Jimin during the no-pants saesang fiasco. We have this figured out. Dont worry."

             Everyone then got a little less tense as we spoke more about the situation. I handled it very well for never handling anything like this. Hopefully she is sorry. She has a week to prove herself.

Thank you everyone for reading this chapter! Honestly it took longer to revise than it normally does cause I had a big test then homework then going to the gym made my body hurt SO IM SORRY! Also I'm going to be writing Mini-Stories pretty soon so watch out for those. Hope you enjoyed! Bye Simps! <3

              - ☁︎𝚁𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚎☁︎

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