1.School sucks

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It's 2am, and I wake up sweaty and scared from yet another nightmare of how the school year is going to begin. I need to go back to sleep before I start to over think anything. " You're going to survive, you've done this before", is what I keep telling myself, but I'm not so sure I believe it yet.

I've never felt like I've belonged. In this school and anywhere else for that matter.

I moved to this school three years ago and I still don't fit in. Getting punched, kicked., shunned and hated all because I'm what they call a "faggot". No one at this school likes gays, that's why I only have a couple friends.

Brendon Urie was the first guy I met at this damn school, I thought he was so beautiful until I actually got to know his arrogant ass. He's also madly in love with Ryan Ross, who's the third one of the group. Another reason why I feel like I've never belonged, I've been third wheeling since I was 13 years old.

I can't believe it's been three years since I met those two. The only people I can call my friends and the only people I ever want to call my friends from this hell. Speaking of hell, classes start this week and let me tell you I'm not looking forward to another whole year of being pushed around for who I am.


Waking up sucks just as bad as going to school. I get dressed and I walk downstairs to find no one, my mother already left for work and I have no siblings. Without eating breakfast I leave and walk to school. The air is cool, but summer just ended so there's no doubt the temperature is going to rise today in New Jersey.

"Frankieeee!!" I hear walking into the school, thank god it's only Brendon. "Hey Brendon, hey Ryan" I say just before I was shoved into a locker. "Frankie wow I didn't see you all summer, get it up the ass enough?" This was my infamous bully of three years, Alex. I don't know his last name nor do I feel the need to learn it. Ever since I moved here I've been getting called a faggot, though I don't know what's so wrong with being gay or why they feel the need to use offensive terms such as that.

After being pushed into the locker and then punched in the stomach the bell rang. Saved by the bell, as usual I ran to my first class: Art. Not my strongest subject but it got me away from the bullies for about an hour. After art I had musical explorations with Mr Stack, which I'm extremely excited for. Art ended and I found myself speed walking to music so I didn't have to get hit again or slammed into another locker. I walked in as half the class stared, as usual. Hey I know I'm pretty but they don't need to stare. Ha! If only that was true. They just hated that the emo fag was in their class. The other half I was acquainted with and they didn't bother me and I didn't bother them.











The list went on and then Mr. Stack called a name none of us were familiar with.

Gerard? Silence. Gerard Way? Nothing.

All of a sudden a tall boy with fire red hair walked through the door. "I'm so so sorry I'm late. Im new here and I just couldn't find the classroom." He said, panting. "It's okay, just have a seat" Mr stack said as he got up to start teaching.

I couldn't stop staring at Gerard for the life of me. He was hot as hell, fuck he was perfect. I barely heard a word that Mr. Stack said all class and then the bell rang. God, I wish I had the courage to talk to him. But why would someone like him talk someone like me?

The rest of the day was a blur because all I could think about was him. Walking down the hallway, looking down with my books in my hand, fast frank, I keep thinking. If I go fast enough maybe just maybe I'll be as invisible as everyone makes me feel.

Then suddenly I feel this tall person shoulder me, my books went everywhere and my feel fell from under me. Sitting there felt like forever when his eyes met mine. "Gerard! I mean Uh i'm so sorry..sorry...Uh just yeah sorry" I stuttered out finally. I couldn't move I just sat there while Gerard started to pick up my books. "Hey uh how do you know my name? Y'know just curious" God his voice was even as sexy as him. Fucking hell Frank, your gay is showing. "You're in my music explorations class, second period with Mr.stack."

"Oh wow I didn't even see you, what's your name?"

"'Im Uh I'm Frank" Can you embarrass yourself anymore, Frank?

"Frank, I like the name. Nice to meet you"

Blushing furiously I managed to choke out "Nice to meet you too."

{Leave comments, tell me what you think, I'll update soon I promise, ily all xoxo}

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