Not Your Wife

21.1K 193 30

Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader

Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Jason Gideon, Spencer Reid

Words: 11.6K

Summary: They say in college you can find many things, but the most important thing you found was your best friend

Warnings: Typical Criminal Minds violence, vague descriptions of murder scenes, swearing, some allusions to sex, non-sexual nudity


First day of class, freshman year. A new start at a new school with new people and new classes. It was just the kind of revamp you needed to start your adult life. No more taking math because it was required, no more stupid group projects (you hoped at least those seemed to follow you wherever you went) and most importantly you wouldn't have to see even one person in your graduating class.

With much excitement you entered your first class, taking a seat upfront, there was no way you would risk not being able to see the notes on day one.

Seemed as though someone else was of a similar mind to you, picking the seat right next to yours and pulling out a notebook and pens.

From first glance you could tell he was organized, dressed casually but nicely, his raven-coloured hair combed and styled. Yet he didn't say one word to you even after getting his things set up.

"Not good at starting conversations?" you asked and his head shot up.

"Hmm, oh sorry," he apologized. "Guess my mind was wandering a bit,"

"First day jitters, count me in on that one," you nodded. "You're not from around here?"

"No, but I'd venture a guess and say neither are you,"

"That would be correct," you said, taking a sharp inhale, but stretched your hand out towards him. "I'm (Y/N),"

He took it and his lips quirked up slightly, "Aaron,"

"Aaron, sounds like a debate team name, were you on the debate team?"

The boy scrunched up his nose like he didn't want to admit you were right and you smiled triumphantly, pointing a victorious finger at him.

"I knew it! You totally were,"

"Am I really that easy to read?" he asked.

You leaned back in your seat, looking over into his soft brown eyes,

"I mean isn't that why we're taking the class? To learn to read people? Understand how their minds work?"

"Okay now this is just a shot in the dark but are you a psych major?" he asked sarcastically and you rolled your eyes.

"And you're not?"

"Haven't declared yet, we'll see," he shrugged. "Might drop the class cause I have a really annoying seatmate,"

"Wow, real smooth Aaron, first day and you're already picking on people," you rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but let out a chuckle, he followed your lead.

The class slowly filled up with more students and when the short arm of the clock hit 11 the teacher didn't waste a second to start his lecture.

Aaron may have been organized, but behind that exterior was someone with a cheeky and mischievous spirit. In the middle of the lecture, not really a portion that one would need to pay attention to, the teacher had gone off on a tangent, he scribbled something on a piece of paper in his notebook and passed it off to you.

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