Good People & Liars

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Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader

Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Ted Hawkins (OC), Penelope Garcia, David Rossi

Summary: A vengeful unsub kidnaps you and Hotch forcing him to admit an inconvenient truth

Warnings: torture (lots of it), blood, guns, knives, stabbing, some blowtorch stuff, kidnapping, hospitals, HAPPY ENDING I PROMISE


Everything hurt, and that was the first sign of something wrong. Your head lolled to the side and when you tried to move your hands you could only feel shooting pains up your arm and a cool metallic sensation around your wrists. An involuntary groan of pain escaped past your lips while you tried to open your eyes, but your eyelids felt heavy, it took a lot of effort to push past the sluggishness and become fully aware of your surroundings.

The room was dimly lit, not a place you recognized and when you tried to fight back against your restraints you heard a soft voice that you recognized, but it sounded chillingly hopeless.

"It's no use,"

Your eyes locked on what was in front of you as you lifted your head up properly.

"Hotch?" you sounded unlike yourself, tired and lifeless. "W-What happened? I-I can't remember anything," you admitted but it didn't look like he had an answer. "Have you seen-,"

"The unsub? No," he shook his head.

You squeezed your eyes shut again and mustered up as much energy as you could and shouted,

"Hey! What the hell do you want from us?!"

"(Y/N), stop it! What are you thinking?" he whispered harshly.

"If he gets in here we can profile him," you stated. "It's our best chance of getting out of here,"

"(Y/N) I don't think we want-,"

"Hey, asshole! Are you gonna come out here or what? Are you too scared of two tied-up FBI agents?!" you tried to fight against your restraints, but as Hotch had said, it was no use.

"(Y/N) stop it! Please!"

"Do you want to get out of here or not?" you asked and he sighed, not frustrated, but worried, tried.

"I do, but I don't want to risk either of us getting hurt so just leave it be," he said plainly.

"I think it's a little too late for that,"

Both of your heads swung in the direction of the door, noticing a man of average height and build walk past the threshold and into the room.

"I would have come anyway Aaron if that's any consolation. I wouldn't want you to be mad at this sweet little thing here," he came up next to you and brushed the back of his fingers against your cheek but you quickly turned your head and bit him causing him to pull away his fingers and shake away the pain. "Oh look she's feisty too, but you already knew that,"

"Who are you?" Hotch asked calmly.

"You don't remember me?" the man frowned and walked over to Aaron, bending down in front of him. "Aaron, I'm offended, but then again I have changed a lot since prison,"

Hotch didn't let any sort of recognition come across his face as the unsub tried to read him.

"I don't know who you are, jackass," you spat. "Tell me,"

"No, no, I want to play a little game and see how long before he remembers me, maybe this will jog his memory," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a large dagger-looking knife with a hook at the end. "Does this," he took the flat end of the blade and ran the cool metal across Hotch's cheek. "Look familiar?"

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