Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini

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Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader

Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, Jeniffer "JJ" Jareau, David Rossi, Polly (OC), Jasmine (OC)

Words: 17.9K

Summary: After a new case brings you to Hawaii you didn't think your touristy taste of O'ahu would come along with pretending to be your boss' wife

Warnings: swears, a little angst, hostage situation, mentions of sex, very heated make-out (no smut but 16+)


"My dearest Penelope please tell me that extra coffee is for your most favourite human being on the entire earth?"

"You would be correct, my love," she smiled, handing you the tall cup of coffee, made just to your liking as usual. Penelope really truly was the best.

Just as you took your first sip of the highly caffeinated drink JJ walked by from her office, a stack of files in hand and that look she got on her face when there was a new case.

"Should we have our go-bags ready?" you asked, following her into the main office.

She nodded her head.

"I'm just going to quickly go over the details with Hotch, but he'll call it in to the briefing room pretty soon," she explained.

"Well as long as it's not Florida," you shrugged and threw your bag underneath your desk, flopping onto your office chair.

"Chin up, maybe it's a nice place," Penelope said as you watched JJ enter the Unit Chief's office.

"Maybe you're right, Pen," you sighed. "God, I hope you're right,"

"Come on (N/N), my baby girl's always right," Derek came in, pressing a sweet kiss to Penelope's cheek before ruffling your hair in that annoying, but endearing way he always did.

"He's not wrong," Penelope smiled triumphantly.

Spencer was next to walk in, a not-so-pleasant expression on his face and you knew immediately what had caused it.

"Hey Spence," you called at the younger profiler.


You opened the drawer in your desk and took a handful of sugar packets out from there and placed them in his hand.

"Go drink your coffee kid, something tells me you're going to need it,"

He gave you a small smile and with a quick thank you, he went over to the coffee pot and fixed him a cup with the buckets of sugar he normally used.

"Do you just keep sugar in your drawer?" Emily asked, looking over to see the collection of sugar packets you had in there.

"For late nights, I use the rush to help me get through the paperwork," you admitted. "Hey it works and then I crash just in time for bed,"

"Maybe I should try it sometime," she chuckled and you nodded.

Just as JJ had said she and Hotch both exited his office and all he had to do was eye the team, plus Rossi who was just coming into the office to get them to head over to the briefing room.

"Alright, where are we going?" Derek asked, slipping into his regular seat.

"Hawaii," JJ said and your eyes lit up, looking over at Penelope, she really was right. It was time to break out the warm weather go-bag. "Four murders, all bodies dumped this week, no apparent pattern in the M.O. but all the victims have been tourists so far which makes it a federal case," JJ explained.

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