No One Told Me

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Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader

Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, Mateo Cruz, Derek Morgan, Alex Blake, David Rossi, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Jack Hotchner, Eloise (OC)

Words: 4.9K

Summary: Aaron has had to live with the fact that you were gone for over four years, but when secrets are brought to light he comes face to face with a fact he didn't want to let himself believe was true

Warnings: Talks of the case, lots of crying, hurt comfort

A/N: Despite the summary I PROMISE there is no major character death in this story, just read and it'll make sense that's all I'm saying ;)


The two hardest things Aaron Hotchner had to do in his life was telling his son that his mother was gone. Twice.

The first was with Haley, and if Aaron was being honest that one was easier to explain. She was in a better place watching over them both and Aaron truly believed that her spirit would always be around them.

The second was with you, only this time Aaron didn't know what had happened. It was all a rush, a whirlwind, and the fact of the matter was, he had no idea what had happened to you. And that would always be the hardest part, not knowing, your file just sitting in a pile of FBI unsolved cases, the one time the BAU's profile didn't work in time.

Aaron wished he could have seen it coming, done something to prevent it, but it seemed like the universe just didn't want him to love someone, because when he loved, they were taken away from him in an instant.

Years went by and the case file continued to gather dust in some downstairs filing room, but it was always in Aaron's mind, it probably would be until he got answers.

His mind was focused on a task in front of him when he heard a knock on his door. He looked up and saw a flash of pink through the blinds, figuring it was Penelope he called her in.

"What is it, Garcia?" he asked while still jotting down some things on the paperwork in front of him.

"We've got a case," she said, but her voice was one of wariness, "A-And I think it's one you're going to want to take a look at sir,"

He stopped what he was going and motioned for her to come closer with the digital file as he took a look at what she was referring to.

"He's back?" he asked, trying to keep the unsteadiness from his voice.

"It looks like it. Should we brief the team?"

Aaron nodded his head and continued to look at the file.

"Tell them to come to the briefing room in ten minutes so I have a chance to look over the details,"

"Whatever you want, sir," Penelope nodded and walked out the door, leaving him with the iPad.

He reviewed the case details and had to agree with Penelope, it did look like this had to do with the same unsub that was responsible for your disappearance.

So as soon as he was finished he picked up his phone and dialled the office of the Section Chief and waited for Mateo Cruz's familiar voice to answer on the other end.

"Cruz," he said simply when the line clicked.

"Matt, it's Aaron," he started with. "I need a favour,"

"A personal favour or a case favour,"

"A little of both," he admitted. "I know there are a few files somewhere we have on the disappearance of an agent, (Y/N) (L/N), do you think you could get ahold of them for me and have them sent here. They may have been sealed because she was the case agent. We think we might be dealing with the same unsub,"

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