Chapter 5

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Sid pov continues ⏩

I carried her to my room she would be leaving with me in my room
Then I said her

Sid : Sweetheart this is my room.

avu : it's to.o go.od...about..m.e

Sid : No need to get scared of me sweetheart (she was still in his hands ) whereas you are going to leave with me here in this room

Avus eyes widen

Avu: NOoo I will not live with you in same room

Sid :you should leave here only

Tears formed through her eyes

Avu : I said NO (shout)

Sid got very angry he held her hand and pinned her through wall.....
his red angry eyes through which anger can be seen, and her red puffy eyes which have lots of emotion

Sid :don't even dare to shout on Siddharth nigam Got it??

Avu simply nodded her head in fear not knowing what to say

Sid: and you are f*cking leaving with me also in my room (shouts )

Avu :please I don't want to stay here

Sid : you have too (he held her hand more tightly causing her wince in pain)

Abu :

Sid pov
Ugh my anger! I hurted her!! Sid what you thought you will give her every happiness but you yourself are hurting her!! You have to control your anger ... And about she staying she can stay anywhere till she is comfortable..
Pov end

Sid : hmm you come with me

(He left her and started moving and came to a room very very close to his room or say next door to his room)

Sid : you can stay here

Avu 's eyes lighten she was happy and a bright smile formed

Sid : you get freshed up and umm...wait..
(He ran to abhinavi room and came back with vaish clothes )

Sid : u can wear these till you get ur new clothes (cold face )

Avu : ohk (low voice )

He left avu
Avu landed in bed

Avu pov
Coming here I am not getting bad vibes here...i always feel like coming here is a good thing happened to me.. Maybe my life can change here..he is so caring  sometimes and sometimes his anger no one can control it.. Avu don't start feeling for the the person who just bought you just because you were his crush! Will I be his crush only?? Leave this let me take a bath

I took bath with warm water humming songs! So relief.. I wore his given dress whose dress is it? His girlfriend ?how does he have girls clothes? Not my problem

#justvaishneet #vaishneet

I don't know what to do I simply lied on my bed till I heard a cold voice..ofcource siddharth

Sid : come for lunch sweetheart

I nodded and followed him.he is hell rich the dining table full of food this much food is the whole Mumbai people coming here for  lunch ??

Sid pov
I asked her to take a seat and maids started serving us dinner she took very less means very very less now I understood why she is so thin.. Then I noticed she is not eating searching here and there. ??

Sid : don't you like the food sweetheart??

Avi : it's too tasty

Sid : then why are you not eating..??

Avu : I am waiting for others to come

Sid : Who is coming now??

Avu : see na this much chairs this much food will it be only for us two no na So I am waiting rest of the people btw who are coming!!

Sid chuckled but soon maintained his cold face

Sid : it's only for us.. So start eating

Avu : what! Oh my goodness

She seems too cute also in shocked expression

That's it
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Nisha 🖤

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