Chapter 8

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Avu pov
I woke up early, as usual, did my short morning is my second day in this house! Complete new surroundings for me with new people will I get settled here? Or something else is planned in my fate! Mum dad I miss you so much after you left me I felt too alone in this whole world! I missed you too much ma pa!

Tears started brimming out from her eyes recalling the most painful time when she was too young to face the problems! When she has no one to stand beside her! No one whom she can tell her Pain literally NO ONE

I was too lost in my thighs when I heard the door knock! I knew it would be him so I quickly wiped my tears and went to open the door...
Pov end

My outfit

Sid (coldly ): sweetheart come for breakfast

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Sid (coldly ): sweetheart come for breakfast

Avu: yeah coming in a few minutes

He hummed and left
Avu also just wiped her face and wiped all her hurtful memories and started with her precious smile 😊

Avu started coming downstairs with a huge smile on her face whereas the maids and servants were very happy to see someone smiling as if sid would be there he would never smile. He would just talk very less or he never talks

Avu came towards the dining table and greeted servants and they greeted back!!

Avu gasped seeing the dining table.. Which was so huge and filled with dishes!

She was going to pull her chair for sitting when a maid did it and she pouted making the maid chuckle And then maid turned sid and avu plate

Avu frowned as at least she can do this but sid he was sitting there with the same cold expression he was having before

How lazy this MR.NIGAM is can't he even turn his plate ... I mean seriously?? Only two people are sitting here and there are dozens of meals kept! I mean we can't eat this much food.

Then few servants came forward and uncovered the food. She smiled and thanked them and glanced towards Siddharth who was sitting beside her His expression didn't even change a little bit

Huh! How rude this MR.NIGAM is uff is he a robot who has kept the same face from past minutes. Not even a single facial expression I am feeling like I am not having my meal with Human but I am having my breakfast with A robot! Hehe Mr ROBOTIC NIGAM! wow, what a name! I chuckled out but I think it was too loud that everyone looked at me like I am an alien! I smiled nervously and started eating!!
Still, I saw him but he  was looking at me with his expressionless face

Avu: What?


He sad again with his expressionless face which made her frowned

Avu: Oh common stop giving me those robotic vibes! It's looking like I am having lunch with the robot but no worry new things are good to experience
(As soon she finished her line she chuckled at her own joke and looked towards sid who still had the same expressionless face )

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