Chapter 18

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After waiting for few more minutes doctor came out and when he came out sid ran towards him and ...

Sid: doctor how is she !? Nothing had happened to her na ; she is alright na !? Doctor --(he was continuosly blabbering without letting the doctor speak )

Vaish : shhhh bachha calm down let the doctor speak

Doctor : yesh tq miss !
And no need to worry she is completely fine and alright ... Her condition is totally fine just she is unconscious now ..-- Sid didn't even let the doctor speak and he rushed towards avneet

Vaish : doctor don't mind him actually shee is the reason of his life .

Doctor : it's ok miss I understand

*Sidneet side

Sid rushed towards avneet and saw her lying in the hospital bed ..She was looking extra cute in the hospital dress

Sid chuckled and said : you sleeping peacefully !! Haawww

Sid chuckled and said : you sleeping peacefully !! Haawww

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Sid holded avneet hand and kissed it ..

Sid : Look what happened!! How we both were enjoying together and how this all things messed up 🤧🤧

I never believed that dreams do come true until I met you.
Just then did I realize that words can never explain how much I feel for you.

Sid was crying too badly

Sid : Please avneet please open your eyes ..I can't tell your importance in my life !!you came in my life and became  my life!!  I can’t keep this secret anymore. I can’t live without you.
I can’t exist without seeing your beautiful face and your pretty smile.
I can’t do anything without you.


SID (sobbing badly ) : Not so long ago I was alone and lost, and then you came along and I was home. Thank you for finding me.These days I worry less about myself and think more about you.Just the way you are. You are perfect for me

I love you miss Kaur !! You are mine SWEETHEART MINE SWEETHEART 🖤

(Sid just confessed his love like seriously in hospital🤧 !? Love doesn't need a place every place is full of love if we have the person to love around us  😭)

Avneet slowly opened her eyes ..she listened every single words said by Sid...her heart was full seeing how much he love her it was just ..his love which will fulfill his heart !! The way he calls her sweetheart makes her day

Avneet (weak voice ) : Sid..Arth

Her weak yet beautiful voice cherished in his ear like a beautiful sweet music

Sid: avneet !! He was too happy seeing her awake !!

Sid: avneet ..don't worry nothing will happen to you !!


After few seconds doctor came and check up avneet and prescribed her some medicines !

Doctor : don't worry Mr.Nigam she is alright now !

Avneet : doctor when I am gonna get discharged I don't wanna live in this white box (pouted )

Doctor chuckled and replied

Doc: you will get discharge by tommorow!! You guys carry on and take care !!

Doctor left

As soon as doctor left Sid looked at avneet and smiled

Sid : you took my breathe away
(Slightly caressing her hairs )

Avu: I am totally perfect (looks at him )

And it didn't even took a second that both of there eyes got captured in eachothers eyes

Avu's pov

I looked at his eyes and that's where I feel something  running in my stomach! his eyes were deep!!i felt they were saying something to me!!i wanted to drown in his deep brown eyes!!everything stopped!!it was as if the time stopped !!i don’t know why but I want to stay in his strong arms forever!!It was all just so peaceful,his strong arms,his warm embrace,our eyelock!i loved it there!!he also tightened his grip as if he too wanted to stay like this forever and ever!!?

Sid pov
her eyes and locked into mine !!! I drowned in her eyes!!
I felt as if we were the only two people existing
(main bhi toh hoon?)
everything went to hell!!the surroundings!!the people!!only the two of us!!i loved it there when I heard a camera click 📷

Oh shit dada and di are still here

Vaish : ahmm ahmm Abhay let's go from here and let the love birds continue (smirking)

Abhi: yesh honey let's go (Smirking)

Sid: dada was just ....GEEZ---

Abhi: just !?

Sid: woh woh leave it dada and yeah avneet meet them they are my everything MY DADA AND DI

avneet smiled at them

Vaish : I am vaishnavi Nigam wife and PA of Abhi and sister of my Ashu

Abhi: I am Abhishek Nigam husband of Vaish ; and Big bro of Ashu

Avu: ashuu!?(confused )

Abhi : ashu it's nickname of Sid !

Avu: aww its so cuteee

Vaish : just like you !! (Chuckled)

Avu looked at Sid and saw his right hand bleeding


sid : wht happened sweetheart

Avu: your hand it's bleeding

Abhi: we told him avneetay for doctor checkup but will he listen to us !?

Avu : Siddharth Nigam don't be so careless (shouted again )

Sid: it's nothing avneet it will be ok (calmly )

Avu: what the heck are you out of your mind BANDAR
Come for a doctor checkup

She started dragging his but he being he didn't even moved a little

She was dragging him like a cute baby and he was admiring her

At last avneet accepted her defeat and made a puppy face which ofc Sid couldn't ignore and at last they went for check up And Sid also got bandaged his hand

Hiii guys!!
Nisha is back!!
ok ok I am sorry!!
i know u all ready with all ur footwears to hit me or kill me??but I am very busy right now??and plzzz do comment!!!i feel happy!!

Love ya 🖤😭🤧

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